멋진 봄 영시1 [좋은 봄영시210]The Trees by Philip Larkin/필립 라킨의 '나무' The Trees/나무 by Phiip Larkin/필립 라킨 The trees are coming into leaf Like something almost being said; The recent buds relax and spread, Their greenness is a kind of grief. 나무들은 잎으로 찾아오지요 마치 우리에게 무슨 말이라도 전해주듯; 새로 솟아오른 봉오리들은 유연하게 열리지요, 새싹의 푸르름은 애도의 표시이기도 하지요. Is it that they are born again And we grow old? No, they die too, Their yearly trick of looking new Is written down in rings of grain. Yet sti.. 2024. 3. 29. 이전 1 다음