좋은 영시9 [아름다운 영시감상193]Courage by Anne Sexton/앤 섹스튼작의 '용기' Anne Sexton/앤 섹스튼 Courage/용기 Anne Sexton [1928-1974]/앤 섹스튼 It is in the small things we see it. The child's first step, as awesome as an earthquake. The first time you rode a bike, wallowing up the sidewalk. The first spanking when your heart went on a journey all alone. When they called you crybaby or poor or fatty or crazy and made you into an alien, you drank their acid and concealed it. 우리는 .. 2023. 9. 7. [좋은 영시71]Children Walk on Chairs to Cross a Flooded Schoolyard Oct., 2009 필리핀의 리잘 주에 위치한 타이타이 마을에서 태풍 루피트 피해로 학교 운동장에 물난리가 나자 어린 학생들이 걸상을 딛고 운동장을 건너고 있다. (Noel Celis/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images) Children Walk on Chairs to Cross a Flooded Schoolyard by Patrick Rosal Taytay, Rizal Province, Philippines (based on the ph.. 2015. 11. 5. [제야 영시감상43]The Passing of the Year by Robert Service The Passing of the Year by Robert W. Service My glass is filled, my pipe is lit, My den is all a cosy glow; And snug before the fire I sit, And wait to feel the old year go. I dedicate to solemn thought Amid my too-unthinking days, This sober moment, sadly fraught With much of blame, with little praise. Old Year! upon the Stage of Time You stand to bow your last adieu; A momen.. 2012. 12. 31. [짧은 영시41]영시 허리케인 & 수퍼 허리케인 샌디 The Hurricane by Willam Carlos Williams The tree lay down on the garage roof and stretched, You have your heaven, it said, go to it. 허리케인 윌리엄 칼로스 윌리엄즈 번역: Helen of Troy 10월의 마지막 주말에 미국 동부를 강타한 허리케인 샌디의 위력은 상상을 초월할만큼 막강했다. 미국의 14개 주와 캐나다 동부에 있는.. 2012. 10. 31. [짧고 재미난 영시33] How to Eat a Poem by Eve Merriam-이브 미리엄작의 시를 어떻게 먹을까 2011년 겨울 하늘을 수놓은 멋진 오로라... How to Eat a Poem Eve Merriam Don't be polite. Bite in. Pick it up with your fingers and lick the juice that may run down your chin. It is ready and ripe now, whenever you are. You do not need a knife or fork or spoon or plate or napkin or table cloth. For there is no core**** or stem or rind* or pit** or seed*** or skin**.. 2012. 1. 20. 우리 동네 초겨울 풍경.... 그리고 영시 Approach of Winter by William Carlos Williams 동토의 나라인 캐나다 서부의 울 동네는 11월터 완연한 겨울이다. 작년에는 체감온도 영하 40도의 기온으로 너무도 춥고 눈도 많이 내린 겨울을 지루하게 보낸 우리들이 조금은 측은했던지 올해 겨울은 추위가 조금 더디게, 약하게 시작했다. 11월 초부터 서 너차례 벌써 눈도 오고,.. 2011. 12. 6. [좋은영시 30] Turning by W. S. Merwin 오늘 아침 창가에 활짝 핀 베고니아.. Turning by W. S. Merwin Going too fast for myself I missed more than I think I can remember almost everything it seems sometimes and yet there are chances that come back that I did not notice when they stood where I could have reached out and touched them this morning the black shepherd dog still young looking up and saying Are.. 2011. 6. 11. [아름다운 영시28]The Quiet Life(Solitude) by Alexander Pope-알렉산더 포우프작의 평온한 삶 The Quiet Life 평온한 삶 by Alexander Pope Happy the man whose wish and care A few paternal acres bound, Content to breathe his native air In his own ground. Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread, Whose flocks supply him with attire; Whose trees in summer yield him shade, In winter fire. Blest who can unconcern'dly find Hours, days, and years slide soft away In he.. 2011. 3. 12. 동화 Love That Dog울 함께 읽으면서 시를 배운다 [2편] 1편에 이어서 Jack과 함께 어린이의 맑고 순진한 눈으로 시와 다시 만납니다. 그리고 저 역시 잭처럼 조금씩 시를 대하는 저의 가슴과 눈이 변화하기를 바래 봅니다. October 4 Do you promise not to read it out loud? Do you promise not to put it on the board? Okay, here it is, but I don't like it. So much depends upon a blue car splattered with .. 2011. 1. 28. 이전 1 다음