1위. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
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2015년도 Top 100개의 대학을 선정해서 4월 29일 발표했다.
올해도 과거 5년과 같은 방법으로 13가지의 지수에 근거해서
톱100 대학교를 선정했다고 한다.
올해 톱100개의 대학 리스트에 의하면
오스트렐리아 소재 대학이 16 개로 국가별로 1위에 올랐고,
작년 1위였던 영국이 15개로 2위로 밀려났다.
지난 4년간 1위를 고수하던
한국의 포항대학은 올해 2위로 1위 자리를 내 주었고,
카이스트 대학은 작년에 이어서 3위 자리를 지켜서
10위 권 내에 2개의 한국대학이 올라왔다.
그리고 올해 처음으로 울산대학이 90위로 톱 100 으로 진입을 해서
과학을 중점으로 하는 대학의 우세를 보여 준 셈이다.
개인적인 욕심이 있다면
앞으로는 인문계 한국대학교도
100위권 내에 드는 학교들도 이 대열에 합세하길 바래 본다.
2015 랭킹 대학교 이름 국가 2014
1. |
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
Switzerland |
2 |
2. |
Pohang University of Science and Technology |
South Korea |
1 |
3. |
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) |
South Korea |
3 |
4. |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Hong Kong |
4 |
5. |
Nanyang Technological University |
Singapore |
5 |
6. |
Maastricht University |
Netherlands |
6 |
7. |
University of California, Irvine |
United States |
7 |
8. |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
United States |
12 |
9. |
University of Warwick |
United Kingdom |
11 |
10. |
Paris-Sud University |
France |
8 |
4위. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
11. |
Pierre and Marie Curie University |
France |
9 |
12. |
Pompeu Fabra University |
Spain |
13 |
13. |
Sabancı University |
Turkey |
14. |
City University of Hong Kong |
Hong Kong |
17 |
15. |
Ulm University |
Germany |
16 |
16. |
University of Texas at Dallas |
United States |
15 |
17. |
Paris Diderot University Paris 7 |
France |
17 |
18. |
University of Illinois at Chicago |
United States |
13 |
University of Dundee |
United Kingdom |
| |
University of Konstanz |
Germany |
20 |
5위. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
21. |
University of Technology, Sydney |
Australia |
47 |
22. |
University of Calgary |
Canada |
19 |
23. |
Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Hong Kong |
30 |
24. |
University of Milan-Bicocca |
Italy |
21 |
25. |
Brunel University London |
United Kingdom |
29 |
26. |
University of Bremen |
Germany |
27. |
Simon Fraser University |
Canada |
24 |
28. |
Bilkent University |
Turkey |
31 |
29. |
Autonomous University of Barcelona |
Spain |
23 |
30. |
University of Newcastle |
Australia |
28 |
6위. Maastricht University, Netherlands
=31. |
Lappeenranta University of Technology |
Finland |
=31. |
University of Wollongong |
Australia |
33 |
33. |
Queensland University of Technology |
Australia |
31 |
34. |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences |
Sweden |
24 |
35. |
University of South Australia |
Australia |
49 |
36. |
Montpellier University |
France |
26 |
=37. |
Medical University of Vienna |
Austria |
36 |
=37. |
Plymouth University |
United Kingdom |
42 |
39. |
University of Macau |
Macau |
40. |
Sharif University of Technology |
Iran |
27 |
7위. University of California, Irvine
41. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan - 42
=42. University of Bath, United Kingdom - 34
=42. State University of Campinas, Brazil - 37
44. University of Southern Denmark, Denmark - 37
45. Deakin University, Australia - 59
46. Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain - 58
47. University of Stirling, United Kingdom - 56
48. Charles Darwin University, Australia - 69
49. National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan - 40
50. University of Tsukuba, Japan - 44
8위. University of California, Santa Cruz
=51. University of Crete, Greece - 48
=51. Koç University, Turkey - 41
=51. Umeå University, Sweden - 39
54. Ruhr University Bochum, Germany - 60
55. University of Eastern Finland, Finland - 53
56. University of Western Sydney, Australia - 87
=57. Aalborg University, Denmark - 55
=57. Bielefeld University, Germany - 51
59. University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany - 67
=59. George Mason University, United States - 57
=59. Linköping University, Sweden - 46
=59. University of Marrakech Cadi Ayyad, Morocco -
9위. University of Warwick
63. Isfahan Unersity of Technology, Iran - 92
64. University of Minho, Portugal - 75
=65. Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, France - 54
=65. Murdoch University, Australia - 60
=65. University of Surrey, United Kingdom - 63
=65. Swinburne University of Technology, Australia -
69. Aveiro University, Portugal - 79
70. Aston University, United Kingdom - 81
10위. Paris-Sud University
71. University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom - 60
72. University of Bayreuth, Germany - 49
=73. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, United States - 65
=73. UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway - 64
=75. Dublin City University, Ireland - 92
=75. La Trobe University, Australia - 100
=77. Flinders University, Australia - 82
=77. Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom - 52
79. Florida International University, United States - 73
80. University of Rovira i Virgili, Spain - 66
2위. 포항대학교, 한국
81. Curtin University, Australia - 82
82. Griffith University, Australia - 84
83. Loughborough University, United Kingdom - 71
84. University of Rome III, Italy - 100
=85. University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom -
=85. Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada - 84
87. Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria - 70
88. University of Vigo, Spain - 76
89. New University of Lisbon, Portugal - 87
=90. Edith Cowan University, Australia -
=90. Tampere University of Technology, Finland - 98
=90. University of Ulsan, South Korea -
93. University of Kent, United Kingdom - 80
94. Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland - 94
95. University of Ulster, United Kingdom -
96. Concordia University, Canada - 96
=97. City University of London, United Kingdom -
=97. RMIT University, Australia -
=97. Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain - 77
100. National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan - 96
90위. 울산대학교, 한국
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