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[영시 감상140]February: Thinking Of Flowers by Jane Kenyon/제인 케니언작 2월: 꽃을 생각하며

by Helen of Troy 2021. 2. 12.

2020년 2월 11일, 함박눈이 내린 동네 공원에서



February: Thinking Of Flowers/2월: 꽃을 생각하며

by Jane Kenyon/제인 케니언


Now wind torments the field,
turning the white surface back
on itself, back and back on itself,
like an animal licking a wound.


dried milkweed pods

Nothing but white--the air, the light;
only one brown milkweed pod
bobbing in the gully, smallest
brown boat on the immense tide.



a milkweed pod in snow

       A single green sprouting thing
       would restore me. . . .


델피늄 꽃

Then think of the tall delphinium,
swaying, or the bee when it comes
to the tongue of the burgundy lily.



          한글번역: Nancy Helen Kim©    

          한글 번역은 잠시 후에 내립니다.





뒷 뜰에 핀 릴리/lily