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[한시/영시 감상172]The River Village by Tu Fu/두보의 강촌 마을

by Helen of Troy 2022. 9. 16.


The River Village/강촌 마을

Tu Fu/두보

Translated by Florence Ayscough and Amy Lowell

영어 번역: 플로렌스 에이스코프 & 에이미 로웰

한글 번역: Nancy Helen Kim

The river makes a bend and encircles the village with its current.
All the long Summer, the affairs and occupations of the river village are quiet and simple.

     강물은 마을 이곳저곳을 구비구비 돌고 돌아서  흘러간다.

     긴 여름철 내내, 마을의 일상과 관심사는 조용하고 심플하게 흘러간다.

The swallows who nest in the beams go and come as they please.
The gulls in the middle of the river enjoy one another,

they crowd together and touch one another.

My old wife paints a chess-board on paper.
My little sons hammer needles to make fish-hooks.

I have many illnesses, therefore my only necessities are medicines.
Besides these, what more can so humble a man as I ask?


A river curves and flows around our village;
On long summer days, leisure eclipses labor.


From rafters, swallows carelessly come and go;
On the water, gulls sociably flock and flutter.

My old wife draws a chessboard on paper;
My young boys hammer needles into fish-hooks.

For my illnesses, I’m provided the herbs I need.
More than all this, what humbly could I ask?






(한글 번역은 잠시 후 내립니다.)