Hymn for the Hurting/고통의 찬가
By Amanda Gorman/아만다 고어먼
Everything hurts,
Our hearts shadowed and strange,
Minds made muddied and mute.
We carry tragedy, terrifying and true.
And yet none of it is new;
We knew it as home,
As horror,
As heritage.
Even our children
Cannot be children,
Cannot be.
모든 것이 다 아파요,
우리의 영혼은 어둡고 낯설기만 하고,
마음은 엉망진창이 되고, 마음의 소리도 잃어버렸고요.
우리는 무섭고 진실된 비극을 껴안고 살아가지요,
하지만 이 모든 것들은 별반 새롭지 않아요;
우리는 그걸 집으로,
전통으로 알고 받아들이지요.
우리의 어린들마저도
어린이로 살 수 없고,
살지 못하네.
Everything hurts.
It’s a hard time to be alive,
And even harder to stay that way.
We’re burdened to live out these days,
While at the same time, blessed to outlive them.
This alarm is how we know
We must be altered —
That we must differ or die,
That we must triumph or try.
Thus while hate cannot be terminated,
It can be transformed
Into a love that lets us live.
May we not just grieve, but give:
May we not just ache, but act;
May our signed right to bear arms
Never blind our sight from shared harm;
May we choose our children over chaos.
May another innocent never be lost.
Maybe everything hurts,
Our hearts shadowed & strange.
But only when everything hurts
May everything change.
한글 번역:Nancy Helen Kim
한글 번역은 잠시 후 내립니다.
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