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베토벤 9번 "환희" 교향곡 공연을 마치고....

by Helen of Troy 2010. 1. 27.









오랜 기다림 끝에 드디어 4악장의 합창 도입부에서 








지난 1월 22일 금요일과 23일 토요일에 우리에게도 너무도 잘 알려진 베토벤의 9번 교향곡 라 단조와

에스타시오 (John Estacio)의 The Houses Stand Not Far Apart 합창곡을

4명의 훌륭한 독창자들과 에드몬톤 심포니 오케스트라와 함께 성공적인 공연을 가졌다.


지난번 공연 후에 불과 4주만에 큰 공연을 올리느라 연습시간이 많이 부족해서

정기적으로 가지는 화요일 저녁 연습 외에 추가로 지난 토요일과 수요일 저녁에도 연습을 한 후에

목요일에 dress rehearsal (총연습)로 거의 일주일 내내 매일 연습을 하느라 무척 힘들었지만,

양일 다 표가 진작에 매진되는 성공적인 연주를 올려서 참으로 뿌듯하고 자랑스러웠다.



                                         공연 프로그램                                                               몬트리올 출신 열정적인 지휘자 Jean-Marie Zeitouni


    독창자들:     소프라노 Lyne Fortin,                알토 Michele Losier,             테너 Friederic Antoun,                        베이스 Robert Pomakov




베토벤의 9번 교향곡은 베토벤이 생전에 마무리한 마직막 교향곡으로 1824년에 작곡이 되었으며,

클래식 음악 레퍼토리 중에서 가장 널리 알려지기도 하고, 여전히 최고의 걸작품으로 꼽히고 있다.

보편적으로 교향곡은 주로 4악장의 편성에 기악으로 구성되어 있는데

특이하게 베토벤은 최초로 이 교향곡 4악장에 4명의 솔리스트와 합창곡으로 이루어져 있다.

노래의 가사는 독일의 시인 프레데릭 쉴러(Friedrich Schiller)이 1785년에 쓴

An die Freude (Ode to Joy) 라는 시에

1803년에 베토벤이 약간 수정과 보완을 해서 (당시로서 너무 정치적인 성격을 띈 단어를 바꾸어서) 사용되었다.

이 곡은 베토벤이 완전히 청각을 상실했을 때 작곡되었지만 한 인간의 승리이자 인류의 존엄성과 따뜻한 인간애를

잘 나타 내 주는 작품으로 1824년 5월 7일에 비엔나에 있는 Kaerntnertortheater 에서 초연이 되었다.

초연 공연 때에 12년만에 무대에 서서 지휘를 한 베토벤은 몇마디가 뒤쳐지게 지휘를 하다가

감동적인 공연 후에 우뢰같은 박수소리도 듣지 못하다가 여자 독창자인 Caroline Unger가 그의 등을 돌려주어서야

5번의 기립박수를 받을 정도로 좋은 반응을 보여 주었다. 참고로 공식석인 자리에서 왕족이 등장하면

예의로 세번의 기립박수를 보내는데 다섯번의 기립박수의 의미는 그만큼 대단하기만 했다.



 공연이 끝난 후에 오른쪽에 앉아 있는  Edmonton Journal의 클래식 음악 칼럼니스트인 Mr. Baker의 사회로 넓은 음악 홀 로비에서 모여 들은 많은 청중들 앞에서

왼쪽부터 우리 합창단 지휘자이시자 알버타 대학 음대 학자이신  Dr. Lenard Ratzlaff, 옆으로 이번 공연 지휘자인 Mastro Zeitouni,

그리고 옆에 작곡가인 John Estacio 분들을 인터뷰도 하고 청중들의 질문에 일일이 답하는 모습이다.



            Beethoven Symphony No. 9, Op. 125, D Minor “Choral” 

           In German

O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!
Sondern laßt uns angenehmere
anstimmen und freudenvollere.
Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!
Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was die Mode streng geteilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
(Schiller's original:
Was der Mode Schwert geteilt;
Bettler werden Fürstenbrüder,)
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
Wem der große Wurf gelungen,
Eines Freundes Freund zu sein;
Wer ein holdes Weib errungen,
Mische seinen Jubel ein!
Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele
Sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund!
Und wer's nie gekonnt, der stehle
Weinend sich aus diesem Bund!
Freude trinken alle Wesen
An den Brüsten der Natur;
Alle Guten, all Bösen
Folgen ihrer Rosenspur.
Küsse gab sie uns und Reben,
Einen Freund, geprüft im Tod;
Wollust ward dem Wurm gegeben,
und der Cherub steht vor Gott.
Froh, wie seine Sonnen fliegen
Durch des Himmels prächt'gen Plan,
Laufet, Brüder, eure Bahn,
Freudig, wie ein Held zum Siegen.
Seid umschlungen, Millionen!
Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!
Brüder, über'm Sternenzelt
Muß ein lieber Vater wohnen.
Ihr stürzt nieder, Millionen?
Ahnest du den Schöpfer, Welt?
Such' ihn über'm Sternenzelt!
Über Sternen muss er wohnen.

In English
Oh friends, no more of these sad tones!
Let us rather raise our voices together
In more pleasant and joyful tones.
Joy, thou shining spark of God,
Daughter of Elysium,
With fiery rapture, goddess,
We approach thy shrine.
Your magic reunites
That which stern custom has parted;
All humans will become brothers
(Schiller's original:
What custom's sword has parted;
Beggars become princes' brothers)
Under your protective wing.
Let the man who has had the fortune
To be a helper to his friend,
And the man who has won a noble woman,
Join in our chorus of jubilation!
Yes, even if he holds but one soul
As his own in all the world!
But let the man who knows nothing of this
Steal away alone and in sorrow.
All the world's creatures drink
From the breasts of nature;
Both the good and the evil
Follow her trail of roses.
She gave us kisses and wine
And a friend loyal unto death;
She gave the joy of life to the lowliest,
And to the angels who dwell with God.
Joyous, as his suns speed
Through the glorious order of Heaven,
Hasten, brothers, on your way,
Joyful as a hero to victory.
Be embraced, all ye millions!
With a kiss for all the world!
Brothers, beyond the stars
Surely dwells a loving Father.
Do you kneel before him, oh millions?
Do you sense the Creator's presence?
Seek him beyond the stars!
He must dwell beyond the stars.

1부에 공연된 The Houses Stand Not Far Apart 곡은 캐나다의 4대 주요 합창단인

The Vancouver Bach Choir, Rihard Eaton singers, The Grand Philharmonic Choir of Kitchener

and Chorus Niagara 의 commission으로 온타리오에서 1966년에 내어 난 크게 주목을 받고 있는 캐나다 작곡가인

John Estacio에게 의뢰해서 작곡되었다.

2008년에 돌아 가면서 4개의 합창단이 각기 세계 초연의 무대를 가졌었고,

내가 활동하고 있는 Richard Eaton Singers 합창단은 1년 반만에 두번째로 공연한 작품이다.

가사는 캐나다의 시인이지 극작가인 John Murrell 이 썼고,

이 칸타타의 내용은 2006년에 레바논 사태에서부터 지금까지 계속 아프가니스탄을 비롯해서 세계 각국에서

서로 공유하는 점이 많아도 종교와 배경, 그리고 견해의 차이로 폭탄을 서로 퍼 붓고 총대를 겨누는 사태에서

더불어 평화스럽게 살자는 주제로 쓰여졌다.

심플한 시어로 가슴 깊이 감동을 주는 가사를 천천히 음미 해 보세요.


1. The Houses Stand Not Far Apart                            2. They are Dancing                

The houses stand not far apart                                                    They are dancing in the garden

A river runs between                                                                  Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-tye-ta

The river has been there forever                                                  The y are dancing by the river

The people have been there forever                                               In both houses

The anger has been there forever                                                 They are dancing


Nothing is shared                                                                       They feel the hear within

Though both worlds are the same                                                  They laugh at that without

The river holds them apart                                                           They turn, and whirl, and sing

The children sing                                                                        And shout about

The old grow lame

The river holds them aprart                                                         They feel the song within

Both houses the same                                                                  As stong as that without

                                                                                              Come near, Go far, Go around about

Rooms for weeping or dancing

The same breadth                                                                       Grandfather dances with a little girl

The same height                                                                         Whose name he cannot recall

Rooms loud or silent                                                                   Grandmother dances with a handsome boy

Tooms dark and bright                                                                Who hardly steps on her at all


The Old ones love the couryard                                                     Grandfather shows the handsome boy

You can hear the river from there                                                The anient steps of the dance

You can hear the birds when the guns are quiet                              Grandmother shouts to the little girl

                                                                                             "Grab that handsome boy and take your chance"

Our firstborn is off at war                                       

our second is sick with fear                                                        Girls are dancing in the garden

Our youngest is off at school                                                      ta-ta-tye-ta-ta-ta-tye-ta

The others are buried here                                                          Boys are dancing by the river

                                                                                              All the world seems to be dancing

The children love the morning

In the morning life seems to shine                                                In both houses the same

You can hear the birds when the guns are quiet                             The strong and the lame

                                                                                             Both the stout and slight

The houses stand not far apart                                                   Grow Giddy, Grow dizzy

The river is brown and red                                                         With dancing tonight

Both houses have echoed with laughter                               

Both houses have echoed with wailing                                           Girls are dancing the moonlight

Both houses have echoed with silence                                           B0ys are dancing in the starlight

The echoes will be there forever                                                  In the garden in the moonlight

                                                                                             By the river in the starlight

Nothing's the same 

For both worlds are so strange                                                   In both houses are the same

The river holds them apart                                                         The strong and the lame

Their fear has grown                                                                 The wild and the tame

Too old to change                                                                     Both dark and the bright

The river holds them apart                                                         Grow Giddy, Grow dizzy

Both worlds are so strange                                                        With dancing tonight

                                                                                             Yes!  They are dancing                



3. They are Weeping                               4. Forgive The years

They are weeping                                                                       The houses stand not far apart

Mothers and fathers and soldiers wail                                            surely the mind

As light and life and the land grow pale                                          Surely the heart

From loss of blood                                                                      Could reach across that little space

From loss of joy                                                                         The willing hand

                                                                                               Could surely

They are weeping                                                                        Reach across

Soldiers and daughters and sons lament                              

So flags can fall                                                                        The houses stand almost the same

And flags unfurl                                                                         A simple floor

                                                                                               A sturdy frame

Grandmother teaches the little girl                                                To hold the people safe inside

"You see that house so much like ours                                            It holds them safe

The people there have evil powers                                                 In fear and pride

They all our creed untrue                                                            Suspicion

You know what you must do"                                                       Doubt

                                                                                              And loss

The little girl waves a bunch of flowers                  

At the house so much                                                                 In there no mother

Like hers, like ours                                                                    No daughter or son

she's unclear on the cause                                                          To reach across that little space

Unclear on the cost                                                                   So that love and trust are begun

But she knows that joy must never be lost                              

                                                                                              Is there no father

They are pleading                                                                      No prophet or sage

They are bleeding                                                                      To build a bridge from heart to heart

Brothers and sisters and lovers grieve                                          Across which we travel as one


Adn strive and die                                                                     May both your houses

For what they believe                                                                 Prove strong enough to change

For what they fear                                                                    Forgive the years

And must destroy                                                                      Forgive what is so much the same and so strange

                                                                                             Let fear 

Grandfather shouts at the little boy                                            Suspicion

"You see that house not far apart                                               And weeping cease

The people there have torn the heart                                           And you may find yourselves

And torn the land in two                                                            At last

You know what you must do"                                                      At peace


The little boy shakes a wooden sword                                          Let doubt

At the house so near                                                                 Resentment

So much like his                                                                       And anger cease

He's unclear on the cost                                                            And may you find yourselves

Unclear on the cause                                                                 At last

But he knows that courage isssss


They are pleading

They are bleeding

They are praying

And pleading

And weeping 



 허버트 카랴얀의 지휘로 4악장을 감상 해 보세요.



 이번에는  래너드 번스타인의 지휘로....


Ode to Freedom" Beethoven: Symphony No.9 in D minor Op.125, Leonard Bernstein,

Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Staatskapelle Dresden, Kirov Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra


 카랴얀의 지휘로 1악장부터...


 계속해서 2부로...