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어마어마한 가격에 팔리는 미술품들....

by Helen of Troy 2010. 11. 20.


 The $68.9 million paid at a Sotheby's auction

for Modigliani's “Nude Sitting on a Divan (The Beautiful Roman Woman)”

on Tuesday, Nov 16, 2010,  set a record for a work by the artist








매일 아침이면 읽는 세가지 신문 중에 하나인 뉴욕타임즈에 

빠지지 않고 챙겨보는 문화 섹션에서

평소에 좋아하는 모들리아니의 작품이 11월 16일에 수드비 경매에서 

7천만 달라 가까운 가격에 팔렸다는 기사가 있어서 눈여겨 읽어 보았다.


이렇게 엄청나게 비싼 가격에 필렸지만,

정작경매에서 과거 10년간 최고 가격에 팔린 톱 10 근처에도 못 미치는 수준이다.

나같은 보통사람에게는 전혀 감조차 오지 않은 숫자에 불과한

천문학적인 가격은 누가, 어디에 근거해서 나오는지 요지경 세상이다.


이 작품을 그린 모들리아니는 평생 가난과 천대 속에서

말년에는 병으로 혼자 외롭게 죽어갔는데

그가 만약 하늘나라에서 그가 평생 진탕 쓰고도 많이 남을만한

가격에 사고 팔린다는 사실을 알면 어떤 심정일까....


미술품을 사랑하고 감상하기를 좋아하는 나는

이런 걸작품을 어떤 이유든지, 얼마나 비싼 가격에 구입했는지는 별 관심이 없지만

너무 한명의 개인이나 소수의 소유물로 전락해서 공중들에게 사라지지 않고,

많은 사람들이 직접 눈으로 보고 느긋하게 감상 할 수 있도록

박물관이나 갤러리에 기부를 하거나

가끔씩 전시회에 나들이를 하게 해 줄 수 있는 아량과 배려가 있기만을 바랄 뿐이다.



우리들에게 가장 소중한 사랑, 우정, 정, 믿음, 행복, 삶의 성공 척도,

그리고 이런 예술품들마저도 질(quality)를 중요시하기 보다는

간단하게 돈으로(quantity) 환산을 우선하는 현대의 계산공식에

조금은 서글프다.







 참고로 21세기에 경매에서 제일 비싼 가격에 팔린 미술품들을 소개하면...

1. No., 5, 1948 - Jackson Pollock 

 Adjusted sale price: $151.2 Million | Original sale price: $140 Million (Nov. 2 2006)

No. 5, 1948 is a painting by Jackson Pollock, an American painter known

for his contributions to the abstract expressionist movement. The painting was done

 on an 8' x 4' (2.4m x 1.2m) sheet of fiberboard, with thick amounts of brown

and yellow paint drizzled on top of it, forming a nest-like appearance.


2. Woman III - William de Kooning

 Adjusted sale price: $148.5 Million | Original sale price: $137.5 Million (Nov. 18, 2006)

Woman III is a painting by abstract expressionist painter Willem de Kooning.

Woman III is one of a series of six paintings by de Kooning done between 1951 and 1953

in which the central theme was a woman. It measures 68 by 48 1/2 inches (1.7 m x 1.2 m) and was completed in 1953.



3. Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I - Gustav Klimt

 Adjusted sale price: $144.8 Million | Original sale price: $135 Million (June 18, 2006)

Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I is a painting by Gustav Klimt completed in 1907. According to press reports it was sold for US$135 million to Ronald Lauder for his Neue Galerie in New York City in June 2006, which made it at that time the most expensive painting ever sold. It has been on display at the gallery since July 2006.

Klimt took three years to complete the painting. It measures 138 x 138 cm (54 in x 54 in) and is made of oil and gold on canvas, showing elaborate and complex ornamentation as seen in the Jugendstil style. Klimt was a member of the Vienna Secession, a group of artists that broke away from the traditional way of painting. The picture was painted in Vienna and commissioned by Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer. As a wealthy industrialist who had made his fortune in the sugar industry, he sponsored the arts and favored and supported Gustav Klimt. Adele Bloch-Bauer became the only model who was painted twice by Klimt when he completed a second picture of her, Adele Bloch-Bauer II, in 1912.



4. Garcon a la pipe - Pablo Picasso

 Adjusted sale price: $119.9 Million | Original sale price: $104.2 Million (May 4, 2004)

Garcon a la Pipe (English: Boy with a Pipe) is a painting by Pablo Picasso. It was painted in 1905 when Picasso was 24 years old, during his Rose Period, soon after he settled in the Montmartre section of Paris, France. The oil on canvas painting depicts a Parisian boy holding a pipe in his left hand and wearing a garland or wreath of flowers.



5. Nude, Green Leaves and Bust - Pablo Picasso

 Adjusted sale price: $106.5 Million | Original sale price: $106.5 Million (May 4, 2010)

Nude, Green Leaves and Bust (French: Nu au Plateau de Sculpteur) is a 1932 painting by Pablo Picasso, featuring his mistress Marie-Thérèse Walter. The painting was in the personal collection of Los Angeles art collectors Sidney and Frances Brody for nearly six decades. It sold at auction for US$106.5 million, a world record price.

Nude, Green Leaves and Bust is one of a series of portraits that Picasso painted of his mistress and muse Marie-Thérèse Walter from 1932. The vibrant blue and lilac canvas is more than five feet tall (1.6m 1.3m | 64 in x 51 in).



6. Dora Maar au Chat - Pablo Picasso

 Adjusted sale price: $102.3 Million | Original sale price: $95.2 Million (May 3, 2006)

Dora Maar au Chat (Dora Maar with Cat) is a 1941 painting by Pablo Picasso. It depicts Dora Maar, the painter’s lover, seated on a chair with a small cat perched on her shoulders (1.28m x 0.95m | 50.5 in x 37.5 in).

The canvas was one of many portraits of Dora Maar painted by Pablo Picasso over their nearly decade-long relationship. Picasso fell in love with the 36-year old Maar at the age of 55 and soon began living with her. This painting was done during the year 1941, when the Nazis were occupying France.



7. Eight Elvises - Andy Warhol

 Adjusted sale price: $100.5 Million | Original sale price: $100 Million (October 2008)

EIGHT ELVISES is a 12-foot painting that has all the virtues of a great Andy Warhol: fame, repetition and the threat of death. The canvas is also awash with the artist’s favourite colour, silver, and dates from a vintage Warhol year, 1963.

It did not leave the home of Annibale Berlingieri, a Roman collector, for 40 years,

but in autumn 2008 it sold for over $100m in a deal brokered by Philippe Ségalot, the French art consultant.

That sale was a world record for Warhol and a benchmark that only four other artists—Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock,

Willem De Kooning and Gustav Klimt—have ever achieved.

Warhol’s oeuvre is huge. It consists of about 10,000 artworks made between 1961, when the artist gave up graphic design, and 1987, when he died suddenly at the age of 58. Most of these are silk-screen paintings portraying anything from Campbell’s soup cans to Jackie Kennedy and Mao Zedong, drag queens and commissioning collectors. Warhol also created “disaster paintings” from newspaper clippings, as well as abstract works such as shadows and oxidations. T

he paintings come in series of various sizes.



8. Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer II - Gustav Klimt

 Adjusted sale price: $94.9 Million | Original sale price: $87.9 Million (Nov. 2, 2006)

Adele Bloch-Bauer II is a 1912 painting by Gustav Klimt. Adele Bloch-Bauer was the wife of Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer, who was a wealthy industrialist who sponsored the arts and supported Gustav Klimt. Adele Bloch-Bauer was the only model to be painted twice by Klimt; she also appeared in the much more famous Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I.

Both portraits of Adele Bloch-Bauer were part of a protracted court battle in the United States and in Austria (see Republic of Austria v. Altmann) which resulted in five Gustav Klimt paintings being returned to Maria Altmann, the niece of Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer,




9. Massacre of the Innocents - Peter Paul Rubens

 Adjusted sale price: $92.7 Million | Original sale price: $76.7 Million (July 10, 2002)

The first version painted by Rubens dates from around 1611–12. In the seventeenth-century, the painting was part of the Liechtenstein Collection in Vienna, Austria, along with another Rubens’ masterpiece, Samson and Delilah. After having been miscatalogued by Vincenzio Fanti in 1767, it was attributed to one of Rubens’ assistants, Jan van den Hoecke, after Rubens. There it remained until it was sold to an Austrian family in 1920.



10. Triptych, 1976 - Francis Bacon

Adjusted sale price: $86.7 Million | Original sale price: $86.3 Million (May 14, 2008)

Francis Bacon’s Triptych 1976, which was originally purchased by Petrus’ Jean-Pierre Moueix in 1977, was sold at auction at Sotheby’s in New York May 14 for $86.3 million, the highest price ever paid for a work of post-war art.





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역사상 미술품 중에 가장 높은 가격에 팔린 작품은..


The Most Expensive artwork ever is...


알베르토 쟈코메티의 "walking Man" (행인) 입니다.

LONDON—A rare life-size and life-time bronze cast, from 1961, of Alberto Giacometti's

L’Homme Qui Marche I, better known as “Walking Man,” improbably became the most expensive work of art

ever to sell at auction today, selling for £65,001,250 ($104,327,006).