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Helen's Scrapbook/좋아하는 영시

[아름다운 겨울영시72] Snow by Anne Sexton

by Helen of Troy 2015. 12. 9.




하얀눈으로 덮인 집 바로 뒤 산책로에서...




blessed snow,
comes out of the sky
like bleached flies.
The ground is no longer naked.
The ground has on its clothes.
The trees poke out of sheets
and each branch wears the sock of God.


There is hope.
There is hope everywhere.
I bite it.
Someone once said:
Don’t bite till you know
if it’s bread or stone.
What I bite is all bread,
rising, yeasty as a cloud.


There is hope.
There is hope everywhere.
Today God gives milk
and I have the pail.



한글번역은 잠시 후에..




아름다운 설경과 함께 고운 눈 구절들..



When snow falls, nature listens.

~Antoinette van Kleeff




Snowflakes are kisses from heaven.

~Author Unknown




There's no such thing as bad weather,

only unsuitable clothing.

~Alfred Wainwright




The snow is sparkling like a million little suns.

~Lama Willa Miller




Advice is like snow

-- the softer it falls,

the longer it dwells upon,

and the deeper it sinks into the mind.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge




Genius is an African

who dreams up snow.

Vladimir Nabokov




Don't complain about the snow on your neighbor's roof

when your own doorstep is unclean





Thank goodness for the first snow.

It was a reminder - no matter

how old you became

and how much you'd seen -

things could still be new

if you are willing to believe

they still mattered.

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첫 눈은우리가 나이가 먹어서

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