지난 2월 13일에
World Press Awards를 받은
사진들을 발표했습니다.
긴 글과 설명이 필요없이
언어와 풍습이 달라도
세계의 많은 사람을에게
감명을 주는 사진들입니다.
과연 멋지죠?
The first prize in the Nature Singles category went to Chilean photographer Carlos F Gutierrez, of Patagonia Press for
Diario La Tercera. It shows the Chaiten volcano erupting
(폭발한 차이탄 화산) 자연부문
US photographer Anthony Suau, for Time, won the World Press Photo of the Year 2008 award. Detective Robert Kole must ensure residents have moved out of their home in Cleveland, Ohio after an eviction order was made (클리블랜드 아파트에서 주민을 쫓아내면서)
올해의 대상을 받았다.
This picture of a snow leopard won first prize
in the Nature Stories category for US photographer Steve Winter,
of National Geographic magazine
(스노우 표범)
Luiz Vasconcelos of Jornal A Critica/Zuma Press,
won first in the prize General News Singles category.
The photograph shows a woman trying to stop
forced eviction of her people in Manaus, Brazil
In the Arts and Entertainment Stories category the Dutch photographer Roger Cremers came first with this photograph. Preserving Memory shows visitors at the Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland (폴란드의 아우슈비츠 수용소)
A Kenyan boy screams as he sees a Kenyan policeman with a baton approaching his home in the Kibera slum of Nairobi. The series of photographs by Walter Astrada in Nairobi won the
Spot News Singles category
This picture by Chinese photographer Chen Qinggang,
of troops carrying an earthquake survivor, won first prize
in the Spot News Singles category (지진이 난 후에 생존자를 구출하는)
Italian photographer Giulio Di Sturco, of Agenzia Grazia Neri, came first in the Arts and Entertainment Singles category.
The photograph was taken backstage at the
Indian Fashion Week in Delhi (인도의 뉴델리에서 열린 패션쇼에서)
Photographs from Barack Obama’s presidential campaign won Callie Shell, from Aurora Photos, first prize
in the People in the News Stories section
Mexican photographer Carlos Cazalis, of Corbis, won the Contemporary Issues Stories for showing homeless people
in Sao Paulo, Brazil (브라질 사웅 파오로의 홈레스)
An inter-tribal conflict in western Kenya, taken by the Japanese photographer Chiba Yasuyoshi, for AFP, won the
People in the News Singles section (케냐에서 부조들끼리 싸우는 모습)
This picture of a diver at the Beijing Olympics was taken by US photographer Vincent Laforet, for Newsweek. He won the Sports Action Stories category
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