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베르디의 오페라 La Traviata 공연....

by Helen of Troy 2009. 4. 29.

 오페라 프로그램

북미에서 공연된 오페라 중에서 3위를 차지할만큼

오랫동안 많은 사람들의 사랑을 받고 있는 베르디 작곡의 오페라 La Traviata(춘희)

공연을 오늘 저녁에 감상하고 왔습니다. 

통속적인 상류층의 남자와 고급 창녀의 이루어질 수 없는 슬픈 사랑 이야기지만

베르디 툭유의 심금을 울리는 주옥같은 멜로디 덕분에

그렇고 그런 결과가 뻔한 스토리에서 청중들의 눈물을 자아내게 하는

비극 오페라의 진수를 보여주는 오페라임에 손색이 없습니다.

몇번을 보아도 여주인공 비올레타의 가슴 저리는 애잔한 아리아에

푹 빠져서 비록 비극적으로 끝나더라도

누군가와 가슴 저리는 사랑을 꿈꾸어 보고 싶어집니다.




2막과 3막 사이에..



1막이 끝난후에 와인 한잔과..



오페라 줄거리:

파리 사교계의 꽃인 비올레타의 집에서 파티가 열린다.

파티에서 비올레타를 본 젊은 귀족인 알프레도는 비올레타와 사랑에 빠진다.

그러나 비올레타는 폐병을 앓고 있었고, 그동안 순간적인 향락에 젖어 살았기에,

순수한 그의 구애를 받는 것에 주저한다.

그러나 그의 끈질긴 구애로 둘은 파리 교외에서 동거를 시작한다.

그러나 생활 감각이 없던 알프레도를 대신하여, 비올레타가 생활비를 대고,

곧 자금이 바닥난다. 이를 알게된 알프레도는 돈을 구하러 잠시 집을 비우고,

그 사이 그의 부친 제르몽이 비올레타를 찾아온다.

그는 아들의 장래를 위해 헤어져 달라고 부탁하고, 비올레타는 그의 말을 따른다.

메모만 남겨둔 채 황급히 떠나자, 그녀가 사라진 것을 알게된 알프레도는

돈 때문에 자신을 버렸다고 생각한다. 파리의 한 화려한 파티장에서 둘은 재회하고,

알프레도는 도박으로 딴 돈을 던지며 비올레타를 모욕한다.

제르몽이 나타나, 아들의 무례함을 꾸짖고, 비올레타가 떠난 것은 오해라고 밝힌다.

비올레타는 이제 병으로 회복이 불가능하다.

죽어가면서 알프레도와 다시 만나고, 이들은 지난 날의 아름다웠던 때를 그리워하지만,

비올레타는 결국 숨을 거둔다.


Composer: Giuseppe Verdi

ACT I. In her Paris salon, the courtesan Violetta Valéry greets party guests, including Flora Bervoix, the Marquis d'Obigny, Baron Douphol, and Gastone, who introduces a new admirer, Alfredo Germont. This young man, having adored Violetta from afar, joins her in a drinking song (Brindisi: "Libiamo"). An orchestra is heard in the next room, but as guests move there to dance, Violetta suffers a fainting spell, sends the guests on ahead, and goes to her parlor to recover. Alfredo comes in, and since they are alone, confesses his love ("Un dì felice"). At first Violetta protests that love means nothing to her. Something about the young man's sincerity touches her, however, and she promises to meet him the next day. After the guests have gone, Violetta wonders if Alfredo could actually be the man she could love ("Ah, fors'è lui"). But she decides she wants freedom ("Sempre libera"), though Alfredo's voice, heard outside, argues in favor of romance.



 Placido Domingo and Teresa Stratas sing the Brindisi



 Anna Netrebko - E Strano



Luiciano Pavarotti &Joan Sutherland Parigi, o cara



ACT II Some months later Alfredo and Violetta are living in a country house near Paris, where he praises their contentment ("De' miei bollenti spiriti"). But when the maid, Annina, reveals that Violetta has pawned her jewels to keep the house, Alfredo leaves for the city to settle matters at his own cost. Violetta comes looking for him and finds an invitation from Flora to a party that night. Violetta has no intention of going back to her old life, but trouble intrudes with the appearance of Alfredo's father. Though impressed by Violetta's ladylike manners, he demands she renounce his son: the scandal of Alfredo's affair with her has threatened his daughter's engagement ("Pura siccome un angelo"). Violetta says she cannot, but Germont eventually convinces her ("Dite alla giovine"). Alone, the desolate woman sends a message of acceptance to Flora and begins a farewell note to Alfredo. He enters suddenly, surprising her, and she can barely control herself as she reminds him of how deeply she loves him ("Amami, Alfredo") before rushing out. Now a servant hands Alfredo her farewell note as Germont returns to console his son with reminders of family life in Provence ("Di Provenza"). But Alfredo, seeing Flora's invitation, suspects Violetta has thrown him over for another lover. Furious, he determines to confront her at the party.

At her soirée that evening, Flora learns from the Marquis that Violetta and Alfredo have parted, then clears the floor for hired entertainers - a band of fortune-telling Gypsies and some matadors who sing of Piquillo and his coy sweetheart ("E Piquillo un bel gagliardo"). Soon Alfredo strides in, making bitter comments about love and gambling recklessly at cards. Violetta has arrived with Baron Douphol, who challenges Alfredo to a game and loses a small fortune to him. Everyone goes in to supper, but Violetta has asked Alfredo to see her. Fearful of the Baron's anger, she wants Alfredo to leave, but he misunderstands her apprehension and demands that she admit she loves Douphol. Crushed, she pretends she does. Now Alfredo calls in the others, denounces his former love and hurls his winnings at her feet ("Questa donna conoscete?"). Germont enters in time to see this and denounces his son's behavior. The guests rebuke Alfredo and Douphol challenges him to a duel.


"Noi Siamo Zingarelle", "Di Madride Noi Siam Mattadori".



ACT III. In Violetta's bedroom six months later, Dr. Grenvil tells Annina her mistress has not long to live: tuberculosis has claimed her. Alone, Violetta rereads a letter from Germont saying the Baron was only wounded in his duel with Alfredo, who knows all and is on his way to beg her pardon. But Violetta senses it is too late ("Addio del passato"). Paris is celebrating Mardi Gras and, after revelers pass outside, Annina rushes in to announce Alfredo. The lovers ecstatically plan to leave Paris forever ("Parigi, o cara"). Germont enters with the doctor before Violetta is seized with a last resurgence of strength. Feeling life return, she staggers and falls dead at her lover's feet.


 Anna Netrebko "Addio del pasato"



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