제 10회 스미소니언 잡지(The Smithsonian) 사진 콘테스트 본선 진출을 통과한 50점을 발표했다.
선정된 작품들은 112개국 출신의 사진작가들이 출품한 37,600점 중에서 뽑힌 작품들이다.
50점의 finalists 작품들은 The Natural Workd(자연생태계), Travel(여행),
People(인간세계), Americana(미국에 관한 주제), Altered Images(편집된 이미지)
5개 부문에서 각 10점씩 선정이 된 중에서
스미소니언 편집인단에 의해서 대상이 곧 정해질 예정이다.
(참고로 3월 29일까지 독자들의 투표점수도 감안이 된다고 한다.)
The Natural World (자연세계)
The Milky Way Galaxy Exploding from Mount Rainier
미국 와싱턴 주에 소재한 레이니어 산의 선라이스 포인트에서 은하계의 폭팔하는 모습을 담은 사진
(Photo by David Morrow (Everett, Washington). Photographed at Sunrise Point
in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, October 6, 2012)
Baby Owl in Studio - 스튜디오내의 새끼 부엉이
Photo by Phillip Pilkington (Southport, UK). Photographed in Southport, UK
Visiting the Bronx Zoo - 뉴욕주의 브롱스 동물원에 사는 고릴라
(Photo by Vanessa Bartlett (New York, New York); October 2012, Bronx Zoo, New York City)
An onlooker Witnesses the Annular Solar Eclipse as the Sun Sets on May 20, 2012
미국 뉴멕시코주 알버커키에서 발생한 일식
(Photo by Colleen Pinski (Peyton, CO). Photographed in Albuquerque, NM, May 2012.)
Antheraea Polyphemus Caterpillar Striking a Rather Devious-Looking Pose
재미난 포즈를 한 애벌레
(Photo by Colin Hutton (Durham, North Carolina). Photographed in Duke Forest, North Carolina, September 2011.)
This juvenile Spectacled Spiderhunter (Arachnothera flavigaster)
calling 'chi-chit, chi-chit,' trying to attract the attention of its parents
어린 스파이더헌터 새가 날개를 파닥이면서 근처에 있는 부모를 부르고 있다.
(Photo by Bjorn Olesen (Singapore). Photographed in Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia, November, 2010.)
The photographer waited about an hour to snap this image of Gento penguins
and their newborn chicks on Antarctica
남극에서 젠토 펭귄 한쌍의 막 태어난 그들의 새끼 펭귄들...
(Photo by Neal Piper (Washington, DC). Photographed at Damoy Point, Antarctica, January 2012.)
A Man-Made Ice Geyser - 인위적으로 만들어진 아이스 가이저
"A water pipe in Duluth is 'bled' every year to ensure it doesn't freeze," Carlsen explains. "As the water freezes, it builds this amazing ice geyser." Carlsen purchased several dozen LED lights, secured them to a rope with duct tape and hung them down the center of the geyser to achieve the lighting in this image.
(Photo by Nathan Carlsen (Duluth, Minnesota). Photographed in Duluth, Minnesota, January 2012.)
Ants Holding Seeds - 씨를 힘겹게 들어 올리는 개미들..
Adiyato explains that he fed seeds from different plants to the ants and lifted, placed, and stacked the ants on the branch himself. once the ants were in these positions, he took the photograph. He writes, in an email, that he has been observing and studying ants because of their outsized power.
(Photo by Eko Adiyanto (Bekasi, Indonesia). Photographed in Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia, April 2012.)
A Pair of Bald Eagles Share a Meal
볼드 이글 독수리 두마리가 사이좋게 먹이를 나누어 먹고 있다.
(Photo by Don Holland (Dyer, Tennessee). Photographed in Reelfoot Lake State Park, Tennessee, January 2012.)
Travel (여행지에서)
People Harvesting Salt at Sunset - 베트남에서 석양에 소금을 모으고 있다.
(Photo by Hoang Giang Hai (Hanoi, Vietnam). Photographed in the Ninh Hoa District,
Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam, August 2012.)
Rice Terraces Close to Harvest Season - 베트남에서 추수에 임박한 층계논
(Photo by Vo Anh Kiet (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam). Photographed in La Pan Tan,
Mu Cang Chay, Yen Bai, Viet Nam, September 2012.)
A lone acacia tree stands in the burnt sienna sands of the Namibian desert against the rising sun.
서아프리카의 나미비아 사막의 모래언덕과 아카시아 나무
(Photo by Bob Bush (Altadena, CA). Photographed in Namibia, May 2010.)
Musicians Arriving at the Bullring - 에쿠아도르 키토에서 투우장에 미리 입장하고 있는 밴드멤버들..
(Photo by Raul Amaru Linares (Bogota, Colombia). Photographed in Quito, Ecuador, October 2011.)
Puli Kali in the Annual Festival onam
인도에서 200년 역사를 지닌 오남 페스티발의 범 댄스에 참가한 한 소년
A young boy participates in the “tiger dance,” a 200-year-old colorful folk art performance.
Painting tigers onto performers’ bodies takes six to seven hours.
(Photo by Indranil Sengupta (Hooghly, West Bengal). Photographed in Thrissur, Kerala, India, August 2010.)
River Ferry Operating in the Early Morning in Xiao Donjiang, China
중국의 돈지앙 강에서 이른 아침에 작은 페리보트가 손님을 이동하고 있다.
(Photo by James Khoo (Shah Alam, Malaysia). Photographed in La Pan Tan, Mu Cang Chay, Yen Bai, Viet Nam, August 2010.)
Alternating Rice Plots in the Bacson Valley - 베트남 롱손의 다양한 색상의 논
The photographer climbed up a mountain for two hours, reaching an altitude of 617 meters,
to achieve this shot of an early fog floating over yellow rice paddies
(Photo by Hai Thinh Hoang (Hanoi, Vietnam). Photographed in Bac Son, Lang Son, Vietnam, July 15, 2012.)
Monks Releasing Lanterns During Loy Krathong in Chiang Mai, Thailand
태국 창마이에서 스님들이 등불을 날려 보내고 있다.
the monks release their negative thoughts through the flying lanterns and focus on the future
(Photo by Daniel Nahabedian (Chiang Mai, Thailand). Photographed in Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 2012.)
A hiker looks onto the path before him in Bryce Canyon National Park
미국 유타주에 있는 브라이스 캐니언의 밤하늘을 수놓은 은하수
in the middle of the night as the Milky Way stretches upward above.
(Photo by Jason J. Hatfield (Lakewood, CO). Photographed in Bryce Canyon National Park, UT, May 2012.)
(Photo by Han Tha (Yangon, Myanmar). Photographed in Bagan, Myanmar, January 2011.)
계속해서 Americana 부문과 Altered Images 부문 본선 작품도....
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