아메리카나 부문과 편집된 이미지 부문 본선에 진출한 20작품을 소개합니다.
Annual Bucking Horse Sale in Miles City, Montana
미국 몬타나의 마일스 시티에서 매년 열리는 말 판매장에서..
Workers in cowboy hats try to wrangle a horse during Miles City’s annual bucking horse sale.
(Photo by George Burgin (Billings, Montana). Photographed in Miles City, Montana, May 2012)
Snow Cone Stand at Dusk - 텍사스의 명물인 스노우 콘 트럭
The photographer first stumbled upon this snow cone stand, which are as common in Texas
as hot dog stands are in New York.
(Photo by Kelly Berry (Murphy, Texas). Photographed in McKinney, Texas, May 2012.)
Liquor Store - 캘리포니아의 한 술을 판매하는 가게
(Photo by David Egan (San Francisco, California). Photographed in Petaluma, California, September 1, 2011.)
Eating Peach Ice Cream in the Summer
The photographer and his mother took a road trip to the Ham Orchards, known for its fresh peaches, fried pies and towering cones of peach ice cream. This photo, taken with a Canon 5D Mark III, shows Henderson’s son trying to catch melting droplets of ice cream as they drip down his fingers in the hot Texas sun.
텍사스에서 한 소년이 텍사스의 더위에 녹아내리는 복숭아 아이스크림을 먹고 있다.
(Photo by Ron Henderson (Dallas, TX). Photographed in Terrel, TX, July 2011.)
Apple Guy on Location in the Desert -
속옷 회사 Fruit of the Loom 의 잘 알려진 대변인이
넓은 사막지역에서 사진 촬영 중에 휴식을 취하고 있다.
This image captures the well-known spokesman for underwear company Fruit of the Loom taking a break during his own photo shoot. “I liked the very American and friendly image of the Apple Guy juxtaposed against a vast desert, creating the allusion of a stop on a long journey,” says Henderson, who used a Canon 5D Mark III.
(Photo by Ron Henderson (Dallas, Texas). Photographed in the Dumont Dunes, California, May 2011.)
Nighttime at Times Square, NYC - 타임즈 스퀘어의 밤
This billboard bearing the American flag caught the photographer's eye during a Thanksgiving visit
to the Big Apple. Using a Nikon D200, Vandezande waited for an adjacent traffic light
to change four times before he could successfully capture the light of the billboard
reflecting off the moving cars below.
(Photo by Doug Van de Zande (Raleigh, NC). Photographed in New York City, November 1, 2012.)
Hopper/Rockwell Scene, New York City -
화가 하퍼와 로크웰의 작품을 붙여 놓은 듯한 이스트 빌리지 소재의 이발소 사진
During his first visit to New York, the photographer was surprised by the quaintness of the East Village,
where he snapped this photo of a busy barbershop using a Nikon D300. “
It wasn't until I was cropping the photo that I thought it looked like it could have been paintings
by Edward Hopper and Norman Rockwell joined to each other,” Hicks says.
(Photo by Winston Hicks (Austin, Texas). Photographed in the East Village, New York City, September 23, 2011.)
Blues in the Streets of Chicago - 시카고 거리의 블루즈
A man stands in the misty streets of Chicago, known for its jazz and blues scene.
재즈와 블루즈로 잘 알려진 시카고의 안개낀 거리에 서 있는 한 남자..
(Photo by Javier Arcenillas (Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain); Photographed in Chicago, Illinois, October 2010.)
Grandpa’s Helper -
The photographer lives and works on her family farm,
where she captured this photo of her nephew helping his grandfather clean out the last of the corn
from the previous summer's grain bins using her Sony DSC-HX9V.
미네소타 농가에서 한 어린 소년이 할아버지를 도와서 지난 여름에 수확한 마지막 남은 옥수수를
저장해 둔 창고를 새로이 추수한 옥수수를 채우기 전에 비우고 있다.
(Photo by Jenny Braun (Hampton, Minnesota). Photographed in Hampton, Minnesota, July 2012.)
Kitchen in Abandoned Home - 먼지로 덮인 버려진 집의 부엌
A thick layer of dust covers this abandoned kitchen in Bodie, California, captured with a Nikon D200. “
The compelling part of the photo for me was the normalcy of the setting contrasted
with the obvious time that has lapsed,” says the photographer.
(Photo by Cleat Walters, III (Charlotte, NC). Photographed in Bodie, CA, June 2012.)
Altered Images
아이오아 주에서 발생한 강한 회오리바람이 지나간 후의 피해 상황을 담은 사진
The image conveys a sense of 3-D in the scene of the aftermath of a powerful Midwestern tornado.
The camera used is a Canon 5D Mark II.
Tim Wright(Photo by Tim Wright (Omaha, Nebraska). Photographed in Mapleton, Iowa, April 2011.)
Grey Smoke Hair - 마스크 사이로 퍼지는 담배연기
This edited image shows smoke from an electric cigarette looming behind a wooden mask.
(Photo by Michal Baran (Trim, Ireland). Photographed in Trim, County Meath, Ireland, January 2011.)
Chasing Shadows - 그림자 따라잡기
이스라엘의 텔아비브 도시의 거리에서 어린 시절의 추억을 표현하는 합성된 몽타지 사진
The photographer says this montage of photos, captures the “unique blend of reality and make-believe”
that constitutes her childhood memories.
(Photo by Violet Kashi (Giv'atayim, Israel). Photographed in Tel Aviv, Israel, September 2011.)
Cyberfashion - 사이버 패션
폴란드 출신 다자이너 리디아 사이다크 씨의 작품의 영감을 바탕으로 안드로이드풍의 모델들..
This photo, meant to portray the models as androids by dressing them in futuristic clothing,
was inspired by Polish costume designer Lidia Sajdak
(Photo by Katarzyna Widmanska (Kraków, Poland). Photographed in Kraków, Poland, September 2012.)
The Last Pollen Spore Preparing to Leave a Ladybug Trying to Hold on,
Because It Didn't Want to Be Alone
마지막 남은 씨가 바람에 날아가려자
혼자 남기 싫은 딱정벌레가 날라가지 못하게 꼭 잡고 있다.
The photographer used a thin steel wire to support and attach a pollen spore to one of the ladybug’s arms.
(Photo by Hiep Nguyen Hoang (Hanoi, Vietnam). Photographed in Hanoi, Vietnam, April 2012.)
A Whimsical House Set in the Burning Clouds of a Fiery Sunset
석기시대부터 아무도 살지 않은 지역의 커다란 절벽 밑에 1800년대 초반에 지어진 한 목조집
This wooden house, constructed in the early 1800s, is nestled under a massive cliff in an area uninhabited since the Stone Age.
(Photo by Sonya Kanelstrand (Gjettum, Norway).
A composite of images taken in Mandal, Norway and Helleren, Jossingfjord, Norway, May and June 2011.)
Hectic Mornings - 정신없이 바쁜 아침
사진사가 모델로 바쁜 아침 1시간동안의 이미지를 합성한 사진
The multiple shots depicting a busy morning in this image took the photographer,
who served as the model, less than an hour to complete.
(Photo by Brittney Callahan (Strongsville, Ohio). Photographed in Strongsville, Ohio, April 2012.)
To Serve and Protect - 봉사와 보호(경찰의 슬로건)
사진사가 9/11 10주기 즈음에 브루클린 친구집에 방문시에 타임스퀘어에서 담은 사진
The photo was taken in Times Square with an Olympus XZ-1. The photographer was visiting a friend
in Brooklyn around the time of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, which prompted the picture’s title.
(Photo by Skip Hunt (Austin, Texas). A composite of images taken in New York City, NY, September - January 2012.)
Il Duomo di Firenze - 이태리 피렌쩨의 두오모 성당
피렌체의 유명한 두오모 성당의 모습을 다른 각도를 찍은 20여장의 사진을 합성한 사진
The photo is a composite from roughly two-dozen images, taken with an Olympus point-and-shoot,
of the famous Duomo from various perspectives.
(Photo by Garret Suhrie (Los Angeles, California). Photographed in Florence, Italy, October 2011.)
Under Construction - 공사중
중국 시안 지아통 대학 건물 공사장의 이미지
This image was taken of a building being constructed at Xi'an Jiaotong University
where the photographer is a student. Shakya used a Nikon D7000 to capture the photograph
before giving it a final touch in PhotoShop CS5.
(Pramod Shakya (Xi'an City, China). Photographed in Xi'an city, China, September 2011.)
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