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[이탈리아 피렌체17]베키오 궁전3/제우스의 방/크로노스 테라스/헤라의 방/아테나의 서재/헤라클레스 방/500인의 홀/엘레오노라의 방과 채플

by Helen of Troy 2023. 11. 14.


  제우스(주피터)의 방  


The room of Jupiter,

son of Saturn and Opis and father of all the gods,

lies immediately of above the room of Cosimo I.

This juxtaposition is intended to celebrate the Medice duke's 

glory and virtue by likening him to the heavenly deities.


The ceiling decoration shows the infancy of Jupiter,

whom Opis had brought up in hiding and suckled by the goat

Amalthea to prevent Saturn from devouring him

as he had all of his brothers.

  Amaithea here evokes Capricorn, t

he zodiac ascendant of Cosimo I.



Paintings: Giorgio Vasari, Cristofano Gherardi

and Marco Marchetti da Faenza

oil on wood(ceiling) and fresco(frieze)


The young Jupiter is brought up by nymphs and suckled by the goat Amalthea

염소 아말테아의 젖을 먹고 님프들의 보살핌을 받는 어린 주피터(제우스)



Allegory of Cunning/교활의 알레고리



Allegory of Glory/명예의 알레고리



Allegory of Largesse/관대의 알레고리

Andrea del Verrochhio

circa 1476-80, Bronze



  TERRACE OF JUNO/헤라(쥬노)의 테라스  

Putto with a Dolphin/푸토(에로스)와 돌고래

circa 1470-80, bronze


The Putto is one of the most universally admired works of Andrea del Verrocchio,

a Florentine goldsmith, sculptor and painter much appreciated

by the Medici family, who commissioned several works from him.


Putto with a Dolphin

circa 1470-80, bronze





  Terrace of Saturn and Study of Minerva  

  새턴(크로노스)의 테라스와 미네르바(헤라)의 서재  

The terrace is dedicated to Saturn, god of Time

who devoured all his children to ensure that

they wouldn't topple him from his throne.

The only one he didn't manage to eat was Jupiter,

whose mother Opis used deception to save him.


The allegories of the four ages of man and the hours of the day

on ceiling allude to the god of Time.

The two panels with stories of Saturn evoke episodes 

from the life of Pope Clement VII(Guido de'Medici), 

to whom the room beneath is dedicated.

The adjacent Study of Minerva was designed 

to host the samll marbel statues in Duke Cosimo I's cellection



Paintings: Giorgio Vasari and Giovanni Stradano, oil on wood






Saturn devours his children,

while Opis offers him a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes in place of Jupiter

새턴(크로노스)이 자신의 자녀들을 삼키는 동안,

그의 아내 오피스(레아)는 쥬피터(제우스) 대신에

돌을 보에 싸서 제우스에게 건네준다.






  ROOM OF HERCULES/헤라클라스의 방  

In Greek mythology,

Hercules was the son of Jupiter and the mortal Alcmene,

thus earning the undying hatred of Jupiter's wife Juno.  

She attempted to kill him by having two snakes placed in his cradle.

Endowed with superhuman strengh, Hercules is celebraed for

his countless heroic deeds, especially the "Twelve Labours".

Those deeds inspired the parallel with the room dedicated to

valiant mercenary captain Ciovanni dalle Bande Nere,

Duke Cosimo I's father, which lies immediately beneath this room.



Paintings: Giorgio Vasari and Marco Marchetti da Faenza,

oil on wood(ceiliong) and fresco(frieze)



The baby Hercules strangles the snakes Juno had placed in his cradle

쥬노(헤라) 여신이 요람에 넣어 둔 뱀을 목 졸라 죽이는 어린 헤라클레스



Hercules slays Cacus the ox-thief

소도둑 카커스를 죽이는 헤라클레스



Hercules captures Cerberus, guardian of Hades

하데스의 수호자 케르베루스를 생포하는 헤라클레스



Hercules slays the Lernaean Hydra

히드라(하이드라)를 죽이는 헤라클레스



Hercules crushes the giant Antaeus

거인 안태우스를 무찌른 헤라클레스



Hercules steals the golden apples from the Garden of the Hesperides

헤스페리드의 과수원에 자라는 황금사과를 훔치는 헤라클레스



Hercules slays the Nemean lion

네메안 사자를 죽이는 헤라클레스



Hercules slays Cretan bull

크레타 황소를 죽이는 헤라클레스



Cabinets with birds, flowered and fruit compositions

새, 꽃 그리고 과일로 꾸며진 캐비네트


Florentine grand-ducal workshop,

to a design by Leonard Van der Vinne 1660-1680

ebony with marquetry and semi-precious stone inlay





first half of the 16th century, walnut




Madonna and Child with young St. John 

마돈나, 아기 예수와 어린 세례자 요한


Master of the Miller Tondo

circa 1510-1520

tempera on wood




  500인의 방과 이탈리아의 통일  

500인의 홀



Assembly of the Tuscan Legislative Body on 26 June 1848

1848년 6월 26일에 최초로 결성된 토스카나 지역의 의회

1848, lithograph

G. Socci e F. Billi(drawing)

G. B. Gatti and F. Miniati(engraving)


Grand Duke Leopold II of Lorraine granted Tuscany

a constitutional statute during the insurrection of 1848.

The Tuscan parliament met for the first time

in the Salone dei Cinquecento on 26 June 1848.

The Salone was refurbished for the purpose 

by archtect Giuseppe Martelli.

The grand duke, seated in the centre of the "Udienza",

opened the assembly with a "speech from the throne".

This short-lived democratic experiemtns was to last just over a year.



200년이 흐른 뒤에도, 회의가 열리고 있다.













These apartments are part of the original core of the building, 

erected bwetween the late 13th and mid-14th centuries.

For two centuries they housed the private apartments of the memebers

of the medieval city government, the Guild Priors and

the Gonfaloner of Justice, who resided in isolation in the palace

for the duration of the mandate.


Wehn duke Cosimo I de'Medici moved his court into the place

in 1540, he assigned these apartments to his wife Eleonora,

the dauthter of Don Pedro de Telodo, viceroy of Naples,

whom he had married the year before.

All the members of the duke's had their private rooms


in this wing of the building: Cosimo's were on the first floor

while the children's were located above Elenoroa's apartments.

Work began at once, under the direction of Battista del Tasso,

on converting th eapartment into th educhess' private rooms,

and it included the construction of the famous chapel 

forescoed by Bronzino. 

Building continued under Giorgio Vasasi

from 1561 to 1562, the artist and his assistants raising

almost all the ceilings and decorating them

in honour of Eleonora of Toledo

with stories of classical heroines

celebrated for "equalling men's virtue",

when not actually surpassing it.  


The duchess, who died of malaria in December 1562, 

lived barely long enough to see the work completed.


  GREEN ROOM/푸른 방  

This is the first in a series of rooms which Duke Cosimo I de'Medici

decided to resturcture when he moved into the Palazzo 

btween 1539 and 1540.  It owes its name to 

the landscape paintings that once adorned its walls.

Now los, they have been replaced by a standard green hue,

but the grotesque decoration in the vault,

based on Classical models

and remarkable for the presence of numerous parrots 

and other species of birds, has survived.




 ELEONORA'S STUDY:/엘레오노라의 서재  

The small room set into the long wall of the Green Room is thought have been

used as a study, or writing room.  Francesco Salviati decorated the ceiling

wth grotesque work and with small mythological scenes of Roman 

inspiration (circa 15450-1548), after he had finished decorating

in fresco the walls of the Audience Chamber in the adjacent

Apartments of the Priors.


Small Table with flowers and acquatic animals

꽃과 바다 동물들로 꾸며진 소형 테이블

Florentine gran-ducal workshop

17th century, marble inlay composition(top)

gilt wood(base)



Madonna and Child/마돈나와 아기 예수

Workshop of Sandro Botticelli

circa 1490-1500

tempera on wood



Bust of a Man/남성의 흉상

Roman, 4th century(head)

16th century (bust)







  CHAPEL OF ELEONORA/엘레오노라의 채플  

The private chapel of the Duchess Eleonora of Toledo,

built by walling off the first bay of an existing room(1539-1540)

and decorated by Agnolo Bronzino at intervals between 1540 and 1565,

is one of the loftiest masterpieces of Florentine Mannerism.

It celebrates the Medici dynasty in a complex iconographical 

programme built around the Eucharist, in other words,

Christ who died to save mankind. 

The frescoes in the vault

refer to the Apocalypse.  The dialogue between the altarpiece

with its Deposition and th ethree walls with their stories of

Moses presaging Christ's sacrifice and the mystery of the Eucharist,

points to th elink bwetween the Old and New Testaments.



Agnolo di Cosimo, known as Branzino, 1540-1565

fresco and oil on wood





St. Michael the Archangel defeats the Devil(천장, 아래)

악마를 무찌른 대천사 성 미카엘(마이클)

St. Francis receives the stigmata(천장, right)

오상을 받은 성 프란체스코

St. John the Evangelist(천장, left)

세례자 성 요한

Head with three faces,

symbolizing the Holy Trinity(천장, 가운데)

성삼(성부, 성자, 성신)을 상징하는 세 얼굴을 가진 머리

Manna falls from Heaven(벽, left)

천상에서 떨어지는 만나(음식)



The adoration of the bronze serpent (아래)

청동 뱀의 경배

The St. Jerome Penintent (위)

회개하는 성 제롬(헤로니모)







Deposition of Christ(가운데)

십자가에서 그리스도를 내림

Annunciation(아래: sides)

가브리엘 대천사로부터 성 수태 고지를 받은 마리아

The Prophet David(위, left)

예언자 데이빗

The Eritrean Sybil(위, right)

에리테리아의 시빌



The Crossing of the Red Sea

홍해를 건너는 모세와 이스라엘 백성