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Helen's Scrapbook/좋아하는 영시

[좋은영시11] Instrument of Choice by Robert Phillips

by Helen of Troy 2009. 9. 29.








Instrument of Choice

Robert Phillips 


 그녀가 선택한 악기


She was a girl                                                             아무도 그 여자 아이에게

no one ever chose                                              팀이나 클럽 멤버에 끼워 주거나

for teams or clubs,                                                              댄스파티나 데이트

dances or dates,                                                                신청을 하지 않았다.


 so she choses the instrument                                                      그래서 그애는

no one else wanted:                                 아무도 거들떠 보지 않는 투바를 선택했다.

the tuba.  Bing as herself,                                            

heavy as her heart,                                                    


its golden tubes                                                         

and coils encircled her                                                               

like a lover's embrace.                                                 

Its body pressed on hers.                                   


Into its mouthpiece she blew                                                   

life, its deep-throated                                      

oompahs, oompahs sounding,                                   

almost, like mating cries.                               


한글 번역: Helen of Troy