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[좋은영시13] Harlem (할렘/Dream Deferred) 미루어 두었던 꿈은? by Langston Hughes

by Helen of Troy 2009. 11. 6.




Jasper로 가는 기차에서....(2008)



(Dream Deferred)



What happens to a dream deferred?            

미루던 꿈은 어떻게 될까?



Does it dry up                                                                 햇볕 아래 건포도처럼

like a raisin in the sun?                                               쪼글쪼글 말라 버릴까?

Or fester like sore--                                               

And then run?                                                      

Does it stink like rotten meat?                                

Or crust and sugar over                                         

like a syrupy sweet?                         


Maybe it just sags                                                  

like a heavy load.                                                   


Or does it explode?                                               


한글 번역: by Helen of Troy©






Langston Hughes (1902-1967):

One of the leading writers of the Harlem Renaissance,

Hughes here blends the rhythms of black oral tradition with undertone

of jazz and blues to express his powerful message.


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