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베르디 레퀴엠 Dies irae 2 (Recordare, Ingemisco, Confutatis, Lacrymosa

by Helen of Troy 2009. 11. 24.





레퀴엠의 2부인 Dies Irae의

후반부의 나머지 4부인







특히 마직막 곡인 Lacrymosa

널리 잘 알려진 아름답고 심금을 울리는 곡으로

가사대로 절로 눈물 짓게 하는 곡입니다. 









Recordare, Jesu pie



Recordare, Jesu pie,                              Recall, merciful Jesus,
Quod sum causa tuae viae,                     that I was the reason for your journey
Ne me perdas ilia die.                             do not destroy me on that day.


Quaerens me sedisti lassus,                    In seeking me, you sat down wearily
Redemisti crucem passus,                      enduring the Cross you redeemed me,
Tamus labor non sit cassus.                   do not let these pains to have been in vain.


Juste judex ultionis                                Just Judge of punishment
Donum fac remissionis                           give me the gift of remenption
Ante diem rationis.                                before the day of reckoning.




Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) REQUIEM Ingemisco (tenor) At The Teatro Alla Scala , Milan/1967
Luciano Pavarotti (1935-2007) Conductor : Herbert Von Karajan (1908-1989)

lngemisco tamquam reus,                  I groan as a guily one,
Culpa rubet vultus meus,                   and my face blushes with guilt;
Supplicanti parce, Deus.                    spare the supplicant, O God.


Qui Mariam absolvisti                        You, Who absolved Mary Magdalen
Et latronem exaudisti,                        and heard the prayer of the thief,
Mihi quoque spem dedisti.                  have given me hope, as well.


Preces meae non sum dignae,            My prayers are not worthy,
Sed tu bonus fac benigne,                  but show mercy, O benevelent one,
Ne perenni cremet igne.                     lest I burn forever in fire.


Inter oves locurn praesta,                  Give me a place among the sheep,
Et ab haedis me sequestra,                and spearate me from the goats,
Statuens in parle dextra.                    placing me on your right hand. 




Confutatis maledictis                             When the damned are silenced,
Flammis acribus addictis,                       ane given to the fierce flames,
Voca me cum benedictis.                       call me with the blessed ones.

Oro supplex et acclinis,                         I pray suppliant and kneeling,
Cor contritum quasi cinis,                      with a heart contrite as ashes
Gere curam mei finis.                            take my ending into your care








 Lacrimosa dies ilia                        That day is one of weeping,
Qua resurget ex favilla                    on which shall rise from the ashes
Judicandus homo reus.                   the guilty man, to be judged.
Huic ergo parce, Deus,                   Therefore, spare this one, O god.

Pie Jesu Domine,                           Merciful Lord Jesus,
Dona els requiem.                          grant them peace.

Amen                                          Amen