독일 라이프찌히에 있는 성 토마스 성당내에 스테인든 글라스로 제작된 바하의 초상
마태 복음 26장 14절-16절에 열두 제자들 중에 예수님을 배반할 음모를 꾸미는 유다와
17절에서 29절까지 최후의 만찬을 드시면서 빵과 포도주를 제자들과 나누어 먹고 마시는 장면을
극적인 해설과 합창 그리고 독창으로 아름다운 멜로디로 잘 표현하고 있다.
Evangelist und sprach:
Evangelist |
Evangelist(마태 26장 14절) and said:
Judas(마태 26장 15절)
Evangelist(26절) |
Soprano |
Soprano Bleed alway, O thou my heart! Ah, a child which thou hast nurtured, Which at thine own breast hath suckled, Bodes his keeper now to murder, For it hath become a serpent. |
Evangelist |
Evangelist(마태 26장 17절) |
Chorus I
Wo willst du, daß wir dir bereiten, das Osterlamm zu essen? |
What place wouldst thou have us prepare thee, the paschal lamb to eat now? |
Jesus Und am Abend satzte er sich zu Tische mit den Zwölfen. Und da sie aßen, sprach er:
Jesus |
Evangelist He said:
Jesus(마태 26장 18절) him: The Master sends thee this message: Now my time is here, I would in thy house keep the Passover with my disciples. Evangelist(마태 26장 19-20절) and made ready there the paschal lamb. And at evening he sat down at the table with the twelve. And while they ate there, he said: Jesus(마태 26장 21절) |
Evangelist |
Evangelist(마태 26장 22절) each one of them in turn, to say unto him: |
Chorus I
| |||
Herr, bin ich's? |
Lord, is it I?(주님 접니까?) |
Chorus I and II |
Chorus I and II 'Tis I, I must be sorry, With hands and feet together Bound fast, must lie in hell. The scourges and the fetters And all that thou hast suffered, All this deserveth now my soul. |
Evangelist Jesus Evangelist Judas Evangelist Jesus Evangelist dankete und brach's und gab's den Jüngern und sprach:
Jesus Evangelist gab ihnen den und sprach: Jesus des neuen Testaments, welches vergossen wird für viele zur Vergebung der Sünden. Ich sage euch: Ich werde von nun an nicht mehr von diesem Gewächs des Weinstocks trinken bis an den Tag, da ich's neu trinken werde mit euch in meines Vaters Reich. |
Evangelist(마태 26장 23절) He answerèd thus and said: Jesus(마태 26장 23-24절) this one will betray me. The Son of man indeed goeth hence, as it hath been written of him; but woe to that man through whom the Son of man hath beenbetrayed! It were better for him if this very man had never been born. Evangelist(마태 26장 25절) Judas Evangelist Jesus Evangelist(마태 26장 26절) Jesus Evangelist(마태 26장 27절) Jesus(마태 26장 27-29절) within my Father's kingdom. |
Soprano(진실로 내 가슴은 눈물로 그득하고) |
Soprano In truth my heart in tears doth swim, That Jesus doth from me depart, But I am by his Testament consoled: His Flesh and Blood, O precious gift, Bequetheth he to mine own hands now. Just as he in the world unto his people Could never offer malice, He loveth them until the finish. |
Soprano(내 마음을 지금 당신께 드리나이다) |
Soprano I will thee my heart now offer, Merse thyself, my health, in it! I would merse myself within thee; If to thee the world's too small, Ah, then shalt thou me alone More than world and heaven be. |
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