2012년 8월 31일 밤에 우리집 뒷마당에서 본 보름달
2012년 8월 31일 밤하늘에 보름달이 떠 올랐다.
이 보름달은 보통 보름달과 달리 소위 블루 문 (blue moon) 이라고 불리운다.
블루 문은 말 그대로 푸른 달을 일컫는 말이 아니라
같은 달에 하늘에 두번째로 뜨는 보름달을 의미한다.
올해 8월은 2일과 31일에 보름달이 두번 떠 올라서
평균 2년 반에서 3년에 한번꼴로 발생하는 블루 문이 31일 밤 하늘에 떴다.
8월 31일 발코니에서 동쪽 밤하늘에 휘영청 떠오른 블루 문 (Blue Moon)
흥미로운 것은 영어 숙어 중에 once in a blue moon 은
오랜만에 혹은 흔하지 않다는 의미를 담고 있는데
이는 블루 문 현상이 흔하지 않다는 데서 유래하기도 하다.
8월 31일 캐나다 밴쿠버의 제리코 해변 주위에 뜬 보름달
2012.Photograph by: Les Bazso
한번도 아니고 두번째 휘영청 밝은 보름달을 바라 보면서
캐나다 동부 여행때 사들고 온 크랜베리 와인을 천천히 마시면서
달과 술을 사랑한 당나라의 최고시인 이태백의 시를 머리에 떠 올려 보았다.
제대로 해석하기에 아주 어려운 이 한시를
40여개의 다양한 영어로 번역된 시들을 바탕으로
감히 한글로 옮겨 보았다.
달밤에 홀로 술을 마시며..
리 포 (이태백, 701-762)
꽃이 만개한 나무 아래에 내가 마실 술은 옆에 있지만
함께 마셔 줄 친구가 가까이 없어, 쓸쓸히 혼자 술을 잔에 따르네
술잔을 높이 쳐들고 달님을 내 술 친구로 초대하고,
내 그림자도 술 좌석에 불러 들이니, 이제는 세명으로 불어났네.
달님은 술을 입에 대 본 적이 전혀 없고,
그저 내 뒤만 따라다니는 내 그림자 역시 술을 못하지만,
나는 삶의 즐거움을 찾고, 봄을 만끽하기 위해서
달님과 내 그림자와 정답게 함께 시간을 보내리.
내가 노래를 할 때마다 달님은 가락에 맞추어서 장단을 맞추었고,
내가 춤을 추노라면 내 그림자 역시 신들린듯이 나와 함께 춤을 추었네.
술을 주거니 받거니 하면서 우정을 나누고 인생을 논하다가
술에 거나하게 취하자 우리는 각자 자기 갈 길로 돌아갔네.
우리는 비록 지금 헤어져도 영원한 친구이기에
멀리 떨어진 은하수에서 다시 만날 것을 기약했네.
한글번역: Helne of Troy
세계 각국의 하늘에 다양하게 뜬 보름달처럼
이 아름다운 시를 다양하게 해석한 영시를 감상해 보세요.
8월 30일 밤에 에쿠아도르의 수도인 키토 (Quito)의 밤하늘에 뜬 보름달 .
Photograph by: Gary Granja, REUTERS
On Drinking Alone by Moonlight
Here are flowers and here is wine,
But where's a friend with me to join
Hand in hand and heart to heart
In one full cup before we part?
Rather than to drink alone,
I'll make bold to ask the moon
To condescend to lend her face
The hour and the scene to grace.
Lo, she answers, and she brings
My shadow on her silver wings;
That makes three, and we shall be.
I ween, a merry company
The modest moon declines the cup,
But shadow promptly takes it up,
And when I dance my shadow fleet
Keeps measure with my flying feet.
But though the moon declines to tipple
She dances in yon shining ripple,
And when I sing, my festive song,
The echoes of the moon prolong.
Say, when shall we next meet together?
Surely not in cloudy weather,
For you my boon companions dear
Come only when the sky is clear.
tr Ezra Pound, 1915
8월 31일 미국 오하이오 주의 신시내티 시 밤하늘에 뜬 보름달
Photograph by: Bill Ingalls/Handout, REUTERS/NASA
Drinking Alone in the Moonlight
Beneath the blossoms with a pot of wine,
No friends at hand, so I poured alone;
I raised my cup to invite the moon,
Turned to my shadow, and we became three.
Now the moon had never learned about drinking,
And my shadow had merely followed my form,
But I quickly made friends with the moon and my shadow;
To find pleasure in life, make the most of the spring.
Whenever I sang, the moon swayed with me;
Whenever I danced, my shadow went wild.
Drinking, we shared our enjoyment together;
Drunk, then each went off on his own.
But forever agreed on dispassionate revels,
We promised to meet in the far Milky Way.
tr Stephen Owen, 1996
8월 31일에 인도 동부에 있는 부바네스와르 마을 하늘에 뜬 보름달
Photograph by: Biswaranjan Rout, AP Photo
Drinking Alone by Moonlight
Here among flowers one flask of wine,
with no close friends, I pour it alone.
I lift cup to bright moon, beg its company,
then facing my shadow, we become three.
The moon has never known how to drink;
my shadow does nothing but follow me.
But with moon and shadow as companions a while,
this joy I find must catch spring while it's here.
I sing, and the moon just lingers on;
I dance, and my shadow flails wildly.
When still sober we share friendship and pleasure,
then, utterly drunk, each goes his own way–
Let us join to roam beyond human cares
and plan to meet far in the river of stars.
tr Winifred Galbraith, 1997
요르단의 수도 암만 밤하늘에 뜬 보름달
Photograph by: Muhammad Hamed, REUTERS
Drinking Alone in the Moonlight
Li Po (701 - 762)
I take my wine jug out among the flowers
to drink alone, without friends.
I raise my cup to entice the moon.
That, and my shadow, makes us three.
But the moon doesn't drink,
and my shadow silently follows.
I will travel with moon and shadow,
happy to the end of spring.
When I sing, the moon dances.
When I dance, my shadow dances, too.
We share life's joys when sober.
Drunk, each goes a separate way.
Constant friends, although we wander,
we'll meet again in the Milky Way.
tr Vikram Seth, 2001
8월 31일에 마세도니아의 수도 스코프예 고압선 뒤로 뜬 보름달
Photograph by: Ognen Teofilovski, REUTERS
Drinking Alone Under the Moon
Among the flowers, a single jug of wine;
I drink alone. No one close to me.
I raise my cup, invite the bright moon;
facing my shadow, together we make three.
The moon doesn't know how to drink;
and my shadow can only follow my body.
But for a time I make moon and shadow my companions;
taking one's pleasure must last until spring.
I sing–the moon wavers back and forth.
I dance–my shadow flickers and scatters.
When I'm sober we take pleasure together.
When I'm drunk, we each go our own ways.
I make an oath to journey forever free of feelings,
making an appointment with them to meet in the Milky Way afar.
tr Keith Holyoak, 2005
8월 31일에 미국 뉴저지주의 웨스트 오렌지에서 바라다 본 뉴욕시가지 위에 뜬 보름달
Photograph by: Gary Hershorn, REUTERS
Drinking Alone Under the Moon
Alone among the flowers with a jug of wine,
Without a single friend to drink with me,
I lift my glass and invite the bright moon to come
Join in—now the moon, my shadow and I make three.
I know the moon is not a famous drinker,
My shadow's toast no more than mimicry,
And yet for a little while the three of us
Carouse in springtime camaraderie.
I sing, and the moon sways to and fro in rhythm;
I dance, and my shadow floats in harmony.
Drinking, we share our joys with one another;
After, we'll need to find them separately.
Let's meet again, at the end of the Silver River,
And there, my friends, resume our revelry!
tr Tony Barnstone & Chou Ping, 2005
콜로라도 주의 파운튼 ( From Fountain Colorado)
Drinking Alone Under the Moon
Among the flowers with a jug of wine
I drink alone no friends for company
I lift my cup inviting the bright moon
Its face my shadow and myself make three
Alas the moon does not know how to drink
And all my shadow does is follow me
I beg you moon and shadow stay a while
And play with me before the spring can flee
I sing the moon's glow flickers too and fro
I dance my shadow falls in frantic play
When sober we shared happiness together
Now drunk farewells are all we’ve left to say
Pledge never ending level headed friendship
We'll meet again on the far Milky Way.
tr Ying Sun, 2009
8월 31일 우리집 발코니에서 바라다 보인 보름달
Drinking Alone by Moonlight
A cup of wine, under the flowering trees;
I drink alone, for no friend is near.
Raising my cup I beckon the bright moon,
For he, with my shadow, will make three men.
The moon, alas, is no drinker of wine;
Listless, my shadow creeps about at my side.
Yet with the moon as friend and the shadow as slave
I must make merry before the Spring is spent.
To the songs I sing the moon flickers her beams;
In the dance I weave my shadow tangles and breaks.
While we were sober, three shared the fun;
Now we are drunk, each goes his way.
May we long share our odd, inanimate feast,
And meet at last on the Cloudy River of the sky.
tr Florence Ayscough & Amy Lowell, 1921
2012년 8월 31일, 에드몬튼 밤하늘
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