2017년 3월 31일에 열린 '천지창조' 공연 포스터와 프로그램 표지
지난 주말인 3월 31일에
'리차드 이튼 싱어즈' 합창단 2016-17년 시즌의 4번째 공연이
에드먼튼 심포니 오케스트라와
소프라노 레슬리 앤 브래들리(Leselie Ann Bradley),
테너 존 테시에(John Tessier),
베이스 알렉산더 하이에크(Alexander Hajek)
세명의 독창자들과 함께
하이든 작곡의 오라토리오 '천지창조' 무대에 펼쳐졌다.
지난 2월 11일에 세번째 공연을 가진 후에
7주 남짓만에 가진 공연이라서 연습 스케줄이 넉넉하지 않았지만,
지휘자를 비롯해서 단원 모두 열심히 연습을 한 덕분에
멋진 합창곡을 무대에서 연주를 할 수 있었고,
특히 초청된 세명의 독창자들의 황홀할 정도로 아름다운 목소리와 앙상블을 선사해서
청중들의 큰 환호를 받았다.
공연 전날인 3월 30일에 가진 dress rehearsal(총연습) 중에
무대 앞 왼편에 베이스 솔로이스트인 알렉산더 하이엑
가운데에 RES 합창단 지휘자 라츨라프 박사와
오른편에 에드몬턴 심포니의 concert master인 Robert Uchida씨와 담소를 나누고 있다.
3월 29일 수요일 연습 휴식 중에....
프란츠 요셉 하이든 작의 '천지창조'
Die Schöpfung (The Creation)
오라토리오 '천지창조'는 1796년에서 1798년 사이에 작곡되었는데,
작품의 내용은 구약성경의 창세기와 밀튼 작의 '실락원'을 토대로
고트프리트 밴 슈비튼(Gottfried van Swieten)가 독일어로 번역된 가사가 사용되었다.
이 작품은 1798년 4월 30일에 비엔나의 Palais Schwarzenberg 에서
소수의 귀족들이 모인 개인 연주회 형태로 초연이 되었는데,
작곡가 안토니오 살리에리가 콘티뉴오 연주를 맡았고,
하이든은 거대한 오케스트라와 합창단 지휘를 맡았다.
일반적인 청중들을 위한 초연 무대는 그보다 일년 후인 1799년 3월 19일에
비엔나 부르크테아터(Vienna Burgtheater)에서 열렸다.
하이든은 1795년에 두번째로 영국 런던을 방문하게 되는데,
그는 런던 시민들이 이미 1756년에 작고한 헨델의 음악을 여전히 사랑하는 것을 보고,
63세가된 하이든도 세계적으로 사랑받는 작품을 남기고 싶다고 강하게 피력한 바가 있다.
그의 작곡가로 대표할 만한 작품을 구상하다가,
작품의 테마로 구약의 첫 성경인 창세기와 존 밀튼의 잘 알려진 서사시
'실락원(Parise Lost)'의내용으로 정했다.
'천지창조'의 원래 가사(libretto)의 저자는 알려지지 않았지만,
원래의 가사는 이미 1733년에서 1752 사이에 제작된 것으로 추정되고,
영어로 쓰여진 이 가사는 헨델을 위해서 쓰여진 것으로 확실시되고 있다.
하이든이 영국을 두번째 방문했을 당시에 하이든의 영국 공연 주최자였던 존 살로만씨가
현재는 사라진 헨델의 위해서 쓰여진 원래의 리브레토를 하이든에게 건내 주었는데,
당시 영어가 서툰 그는 1796년에 비엔나로 돌아 갈때까지 기다렸다가,
그의 긴 작곡가의 삶을 대표할만한 오라토리오를 쓰겠다는 각오를 하면서
오스트리아의 고위 외교관이자, 궁정 사서였고, 당시 비엔나에서 활동하던
하이든, 모짜르트와 베토벤의 후견인이고, 아마추어 음악인이었던 슈비튼씨에게 건내 주었다.
하이든은 교향곡의 아버지라는 닉네임답게 100여개의 교향곡을 남길 정도로
비교적 짧은 시간에 다작을 한 작곡가인데,
"나는 이 작품을 작곡하는 동안 매일 무릎을 꿇고 하느님께
이 작품의 성공적인 완성을 위해서 간절히 기도했다." 라고 하이든이 실토할 정도로
유독 '천지창조'는 거의 2년이라는 시간을 투자할 만큼 열정을 쏟아 부은 작품이다.
독일어가 더 편한 하이든은 슈비튼이 번역한 독일어 가사를 토대로 1978년에 완성했는데,
영어로도 노래를 할 수 있도록 영어가사로도 작곡을 해서
'천지창조'는 두개의 언어로 연주할 수 있는 최초의 오라토리오가 되었다.
'천지창조' 오라토리오는 이 장르를 완성시킨 헨델의 방식을 본따서 3부로 이루어졌다.
1부의 서곡은 아무것도 존재하지 않은 상태인 카오스에서 빛이 생겨난 첫날부터
4일간에 지구상에 신이 벌린 창조 내용을 세명의 대천사 가브리엘(소프라노),
유리엘(테너)와 라파엘(베이스)가 돌아가면서 하늘과 땅, 그리고 모든 식물
그리고 혹성과 별들이 만드신 과정을 설명해 준다.
2부에는 창조사업의 5일과 6일째를 묘사하는데, 동물들과 인간이 창조되었고,
3부는 구약성서의 창세기의 이야기에서 밀튼작의 실락원에서 묘사된 에덴 동산에서
아담과 이브의 평화롭고 행복한 모습을 그렸다.
2016년 봄 토론토에서 열린 '천지창조' 공연 전곡 동영상입니다.
이 공연 소프라노와 베이스 독창자들은 이번 RES 합창단 공연의 독창자와 동일한 연주가들이다.
토론토 멘델슨 합창단
Noel Edison, Conductor
Leslie Ann Bradley, Soprano
Zach Finkelstein, tenor
Alexander Hajek, baritone
Festival Orchestra
The Creation
Part 1
The Representation of Chaos
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth;
and the earth was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said: Let there be light. And there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good;
and God divided the light from the darkness.
Now vanish before the holy beams,
the gloomy dismal shades dark;
the first of days appears.
Disorder yields to order fair the place.
Affrighted fled hell’s spirits black in throngs;
down they sink in the deep of abyss to endless night.
Despairing, cursing rage attends their rapid fall.
A new created world springs up at God's command.
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters,
which were under the firmament from the waters,
which were above the firmament. And it was so.
Outrageous storms now dreadful arose;
as chaff by the winds are impelled the clouds.
By heaven’s fire the sky is enflamed,
and awful rolled the thunders on high.
Now from the floods in steam ascend
reviving showers of rain, the dreary, wasteful hail,
the light and flaky snow.
The marvelous work beholds amazed the glorious hierarchy of heaven;
and to the ethereal vaults resound the praise of God,
and of the second day.
And to the ethereal vaults resound the praise of God,
and of the second day.
And God said:
Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place,
and let the dry land appear. And it was so.
And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering of waters called He Seas;
and God saw that it was good.
Rolling in foaming billows uplifted roars the boisterous sea.
Mountains and rocks now emerge; their tops into the clouds ascend.
Through the open plains outstretching wide in serpent error rivers flow.
Softly purling, glides on through silent vales the limpid brook.
And God said: Let the earth bring forth grass,
the herb yielding seed, and the fruit-tree yielding fruit after his kind,
whose seed is in itself, upon the earth.
And it was so.
With verdure clad the fields appear delightful to the ravished sense;
by flowers sweet and gay enhanced is the charming sight.
Here vent their fumes the fragrant herbs; here shoots the healing plant.
With copious fruit the expanded boughs are hung;
in leafy arches twine the shady groves;
o’er lofty hills majestic forests wave.
And the heavenly host proclaimed the third day,
praising God, and saying:
Awake the harp, the lyre awake. In shout and joy your voices raise.
In triumph sing the mighty Lord. For He
the heavens and earth has clothed in stately dress.
And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven
to divide the day from the night, and to give
light upon the earth; and let them be for signs,
and for seasons, and for days, and for years. He made the stars also.
In splendour bright is rising now the sun, and darts his rays;
a joyful, happy spouse, a giant proud and glad to run his measured course.
With softer beams and milder light steps on the silver moon through silent night.
The space immense of the azure sky innumerous host of radiant orbs adorns,
and the sons of God announced the fourth day in song divine,
proclaiming thus His power:
Chorus, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael
The heavens are telling the glory of God.
The wonder of His works displays the firmament.
Today that is coming speaks it the day;
the night that is gone, to following night.
In all the lands resounds the word, never unperceived, ever understood.
Part 2
And God said: Let the waters bring forth abundantly
the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may
fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
on mighty pens uplifted soars the eagle aloft,
and cleaves the sky in swiftest flight to the blazing sun.
His welcome bids to morn the merry lark,
and cooing calls the tender dove his mate.
From every bush and grove resound the nightingale’s delightful notes.
No grief affected yet her breast, nor to
a mournful tale were tuned her soft enchanting lays.
And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth,
and God blessed them, saying: Be fruitful all, and multiply, ye winged tribes,
be multiplied, and sing on every tree.
Multiply, ye finny tribes, and fill each watery deep. Be fruitful, grow, and multiply!
And in your God and Lord rejoice!
And the angels struck their immortal harps,
and the wonders of the fifth day sung.
Most beautiful appear, with verdure young adorned the gently sloping hills.
Their narrow sinuous veins distil in crystal drops, the fountain fresh and bright.
In lofty circles plays, and hovers through the sky, the cheerful host of birds.
And in the flying whirl, their glittering plumes are dyed, as rainbows by the sun.
See flashing through the wet in thronged swarms the fry on thousand ways around.
Upheaved from the deep, the immense Leviathan sports on the foaming wave.
Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael
How many are Thy works, O God!
Who may their numbers tell?
The Lord is great, and great His might.
His glory lasts for ever and for evermore.
And God said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature
after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing,
and beast of the earth, after his kind.
Straight opening her fertile womb, the earth obeyed
the word, and teem’d creatures numberless,
in perfect forms, and fully grown.
Cheerful, roaring, stands the tawny lion.
With sudden leaps the flexible tiger appears.
The nimble stag bears up his branching head.
With flying mane, and fiery look, impatient neighs the noble steed.
The cattle, in herds, already seek their food on fields
and meadows green.
And o’er the ground, as plants, are spread the fleecy,
meek, and bleating flocks.
Unnumbered as the sands, in whirls arose the host of insects.
In long dimension creeps, with sinuous trace, the worm.
Now heaven in fullest glory shone; earth smiled in
all her rich attire. The room of air with fowl is filled,
the water swelled by shoals of fish; by heavy beasts
the ground is trod.
But all the work was not complete.
There wanted yet that wondrous being,
that grateful should God’s power admire,
with heart and voice His goodness praise.
And God created Man in His own image;
in the image of God created He him.
Male and female created He them.
He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
and Man became a living soul.
In native worth and honour clad, with beauty, courage, strength adorned,
to heaven erect and tall, he stands a man, the Lord and King of nature all.
His large and arched front sublime of wisdom deep declares the seat,
and in his eyes with brightness shines the soul,
the breath and image of his God.
With fondness leans upon his breast the partner for
him formed, a woman, fair and graceful spouse.
Her softly smiling virgin looks, of flowery spring the mirror,
bespeak him love, and joy, and bliss.
And God saw everything that He had made,
and behold, it was very good.
And the heavenly choir, in song divine,
thus closed the sixth day.
Achieved is the glorious work;
the Lord beholds it, and is pleased.
In lofty strains let us rejoice.
Our song let be the praise of God.
Gabriel, Uriel
on thee each living soul awaits;
from thee each joy and blessing flows.
Thou openest Thy hand, and all are filled with good.
But when Thy face, O Lord, is hid,
with sudden terror they are struck,
Thou takest their breath away; they vanish into dust.
Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael
Thou sendest forth Thy breath again,
and life with vigour fresh returns.
Revived earth unfolds new force and new delights.
Achieved is the glorious work. Our song let be the
praise of God. Glory to His name for ever.
He sole on high exalted reigns. Alleluia!
Part 3
In rosy mantle appears, by sweetest sounds awaked,
the morning, young and fair.
From heaven’s angelic choirs pure harmony descends
on ravished earth.
Behold the blissful pair, where hand in hand they go.
Their looks of joy express the thanks that
swell each grateful heart.
A louder praise of God their lips shall utter soon.
Then let our voices ring, united with their song!
Adam and Eve
By thee with bliss, O bounteous Lord,
the heaven and earth are stored.
This world, so great, so wonderful,
thy mighty hand has framed.
For ever blessed be His power,
His name be ever magnified.
Of stars the fairest, pledge the day,
that crown’st the smiling morn.
How brighten’st thou, O sun, the day,
Thou eye and soul of all.
Proclaim in your extended course,
the glorious power and might of God.
And thou that rul’st the silent night,
and all ye starry hosts,
spread wide and everywhere, spread wide
His praise in choral songs about.
Ye strong and cumbrous elements,
who ceaseless changes make;
Ye dusky mists, and dewy steams,
that rise and fall through the air.
Adam, Eve, Chorus
Resound the praise of God our Lord.
Great His name, and great His might.
Ye purling fountains tune His praise,
and wave your tops, ye pines.
Ye plants exhale, ye flowers breathe
to Him your balmy scent.
Ye, that on mountains stately tread,
and ye that lowly creep,
ye birds that sing at heaven’s gate,
and ye that swim the stream.
Adam, Eve, Chorus
Ye living souls extol the Lord!
Him celebrate. Him magnify.
Adam and Eve
Ye valleys, hills and shady woods,
our raptur’d notes ye heard;
from morn till eve you shall repeat
our grateful hymns of praise.
Hail bounteous Lord! Almighty, hail!
Thy word called forth this wondrous frame.
Thy power adore the heaven and earth;
we praise Thee now and evermore.
O happy pair, and always happy yet,
if not misled by false conceit,
ye strive at more than granted is,
and more to know, than know ye should.
Sing the Lord, ye voices all.
Utter thanks all ye His works.
Celebrate His power and glory.
Let his name resound on high.
The Lord is great.
His praise shall last for aye. Amen.
공연이 끝난 후...
공연이 끝난 후에 합창단의 반주자인 리엔 레거 박사(오른편)과
베이스 독창자 알렉산더 하이엑씨가 함께 포즈를...
합창 공연이 끝나면 늘 해 오던 대로
단원들이 생업에 종사하랴, 합창연습하느라 바쁜 와중에도
직접 푸짐하게 준비해 온 다양한 음식을 차려 놓고
공연자들과 공연자들의 지인들을 초대해서 자축의 의미로 마련한 리셉션에
많은 분들이 참석해서 줄이 평소보다 엄청 길었지만,
복덩이 아들은 용케도 그 긴 줄을 세번이나 기다리고 서서 신나게 먹는 모습이 보기 좋았다.
알버타 주 총독 (Lieutenant Governor of Alberta)
로이스 미첼 여사(Her Honourable Lois E. Mitchell) 와 가족들이
우리 합창단 공연에 참석 해 주셔서 자리를 빛내 주셨다.
다음 공연은 7월에 2주일간 영국 순회 공연을 앞두고
Pre Tour Concert 공연이 6월 10일에 열릴 예정이다.
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