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Douglas Matheson 님의 장례식에 다녀와서..

by Helen of Troy 2009. 6. 28.

유감스럽게도 올해는 예년보다 유난히 장례식에 갈 일이 많아졌습니다.

오래 사시다가 편히 가시는 호상도 있었도

아주 갑자기 젊은 나이에 훌쩍 가신 분들도 계셨습니다.

따라서 장례식의 분위기도 많이 달라도

결국에는 누구에게나 공평하게 닥쳐 올 죽음의 시기 전에

단 하나뿐인 우리의 소중한 삶을 좀 더 바르게 살라는 채찍으로 다가와서 고맙기도 합니다.


지난 토요일에 참석한  Douglas Matheson님의 대단한 삶을 축하하고 기리는

장례식에서 그분의 인생 여정을 통해서 우리가 어떻게 살아야 할지

똑똑히 제시 해 주어서 깊은 감동을 안고 집에 돌아왔습니다.


고인은 1921년에 에드몬튼에서 태어나서, 고등학교를 졸업하고 19세에 캐나다 공군에 입대해서

파일로트 트레이닝을 받은 후에 2차 대전 전쟁이 일고 있는 영국과 프랑스에서 전설적일 정도로

어린 나이에 혁혁한 공을 세웠습니다.  급기야 1943년 12월에 프랑스 북부에서 독일군 포탄으로

추락한 비행기에서 무사히 낙하산을 타고 내려와서 불란서 가정에서 몰래 숨어 지내면서

레지스탕으로 활약하다가 1944년 4월에 독일군에 체포되었습니다.  독일의 게슈타포의 심한 심문을

겪은 후에 수용소에서 전쟁 막바지까지 거의 죽다시피 할때 극적으로 영국군에 의해서 구출되었습니다.


귀국후에, 알버타 대학에서 법대를 졸업하고, 존경받는 변호사로 판사로 75세 정년퇴직까지 일하시면서

부인인 Peg(35년간 RES 합창단원으로 활약하셨다)사이에 2남 3녀를 두셨고

돌아가시는 날까지 평생을 오늘이 생애 마지막 날처럼 열정과 넘치는 에너지로 사시면서

주위의 많은 사람들에게 멘토 역할을 하셨다.

그분은 평소에 개인의 배경에 상관없이 누구에게나 똑같이 관심과 사랑으로 대해 주었고

그네들의 권리, 인권, 의견을 소중하게 여겨서 항시 열려 있는 그분의 대문을

많은 사람들이 드나 들었습니다.  그의 그런 인간애를 증명하듯, 커다란 교회 안은 식이 시작하기

30분 전에 이미 꽉 차고, 넘치는 조객들은 교회밖에서 CCTV와 스피커의 도움으로 식에 참석했습니다.

개인적으로 친한 Peg 여사의 요청으로 우리 합창단원 일부가 장례예배의 성가를 맡아서

참석했는데 1시간 전에 도착했음에도 불구하고 주차할 곳이 없어서 교회에서 7 불록이 떨어진 곳에

주차를 하고 성가대 자리에 앉고 보니 이미 꽉 찬 교회 안에는 수명의 국회위원, 시의원, 대법원 판사를

비롯해서 에드몬튼 도시의 유명인사들이 눈에 띄었습니다.  한편으로는 UN울 방불할 만큼 다양한 신분의

사람들도 참석을 해서 고인의 삶을 축하하는 파티 분위기였습니다.


고인 생전에 전설적인 에너지, 열정과 사랑으로 가족을 아낌없이 사랑하셨고,

특히 독서광에다가 Flying 광이시기도 해서 88세의 나이에도 정기적으로 하늘을 날으셨다.

79세에 롤러블레이드를 배우셨고, 70대 중반에 헬리콥터 조종사 면허를 따시기도 하신

파일롯의 파일롯인 그는  지난 6월 15일에 평소대로 비행기를 타고

공룡 화석으로 유명한 Drumheller 동네의 하늘을 날으시다가 사고로 하늘나라로 올라 가셨다.

그의 책상 위엔 온가족이 8월에 계획된 러시아 방문을 위해서 러시아에 관한 많은 서적들과

러시아어를 몇달간 배우시던 흔적을 그대로 남겨두시고 그렇게 가셨다.


다섯명의 자녀들, 손자 한명, 그리고 친지 두분들의 조사를 차례로 듣다 보니

2시간이 넘는 장례식이 그분의 삶을 대변하기에는 너무도 짧은 인상마저 들었습니다. 

고인이 평소에 제일 좋아하던 What a wonderful World 노래를

우리 성가대와 그날 모인 모든 조객들이 목소리를 모아서

흘러내리는 눈물을 훔치면서, 하지만 웃는 얼굴로, 가사를 깊게 음미하면서

벅찬 가슴으로 크게 함께 부르면서 멋진 삶을 살다가 가신 그분을 위한 파티를 마감했습니다.


고인이 생전에 주장하고 실천한;

우리 각자에게 주어진 귀중한 선물인 삶을 소중히 여기고

누구든지 똑같은 권리를 부여받았기에 존중하고 보듬어 주고

말만 하고 계획만 세우고 불평하지 말고 일단 행동으로 옮겨서

삶을 100% 즐기라

모토대로 나 역시 하나밖에 없는 내 소중한 삶을 후회없이

즐기면서 베푸면서, 가슴으로 사랑하면서 긍정적으로 살아야겠다고 자신과 굳게 약속을 했습니다.






 장례예배 팡플렛 표지


 팜플렛 뒷쪽에는 2차 대전 당시의 Spitfire 전투기와 함께 찍은 고인의 20대 초반 사진


 공군 장교였던 J. G Magee님의 시도 함께..


장례식이 끝나고 나오시는 조객들과 그리고 bagpiper가 애잔한 스콜랜드 곡을 연주하는 모습.




밑에 글은 신문에 난 부고를 발췌한 글..


DOUGLAS R. MATHESON May 6, 1921-June 15, 2009 Douglas Matheson was not a tall man, but he was larger than life. He was adventurous, opinionated, patriotic, intelligent, courageous, irreverent and funny. He was passionate about the things he believed in and the people he loved. To the end he lived life with laughter, enthusiasm, joy and a wonderful sense of humor. He was adored by his loving wife of nearly 59 years, his children, grandchildren and great-granddaughter, and a large extended family, as well as the many, many friends whose lives he touched. Edmonton, Alberta and Canada have lost a man who was one of a kind. He died the way pilots would like to go: soaring through a sunny Alberta sky, joyously doing what he loved to do. His timing was out just a little bit; he always said that when his time came he hoped it would be after cherry season was over.


Doug was born and raised in Edmonton, and except for his absence during World War II, spent his life in this city. His wartime experiences included a career in the Royal Canadian Air Force as a Spitfire pilot with 411 Squadron. He flew out of various stations in England, and took part in the Dieppe raid. His career came to a sudden halt on December 1, 1943, when he was shot down over northern France. He parachuted to safety and was protected by a wonderful French family. He worked with the French underground until he was arrested in April 1944. After interrogation by the Gestapo he was sent to Stalagluft III. While on a forced march near the end of the war he was shot, and spent time in a German hospital. He was liberated by the British army.


After the war and a period of convalescence, Doug attended the University of Alberta, and graduated in Law in the legendary Class of '51, a class dominated by WW II veterans. After his articles at Duncan Johnson law firm and his admission to the bar in 1952, Douglas took over the south side practice of Judge Athelstan Bisset. Ten years later Doug and his brother Bob Matheson joined their law firms to form Matheson and Company. Doug was appointed Queen's Counsel in 1970. He was a partner in the Matheson firm until his appointment to the Court of Queen's Bench in 1985. He served the court with distinction until his mandatory retirement eleven years later at age 75. Too full of pep and ginger to retire, he became a member of the Alternate Dispute Resolution Chambers, and of the Canada Pension Appeals Board. He continued with the CPAB until his death.


 Doug was devoted to the city of his birth, "the best place on earth," he always said. He did volunteer service for many city organizations. In particular he was founding chairman of Meadowcroft Seniors' Residence, serving as a director for nearly 40 years. He was instrumental in the formation of the Reynolds Alberta Museum, and was a director of Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame, the Edmonton Flying Club, the Churchill Society and the Confederation Centre of the Arts, Charlottetown PEI. Education was always important to Douglas. He was a director of St. Mary's Salesian Boys' School, and founding chairman of the financial advisory committee of St. John's School of Alberta, and was on the school's Board of Governors for many years. He served the Boy Scouts of Canada in several capacities: as a Cub Leader at his church, and as Director of Camping, Edmonton Region. He was involved in the establishment of the Ernest Poole and Skeleton Lake Camps. In an informal but committed way, he would give history lectures. World War II, Canada's history, and the history of the North were his specialties, although he was widely read and educated in other aspects of history, and would give a lecture at the drop of a hat. He was a mentor and friend to many young people over the years.


Doug's interests were deep and wide-ranging. In Edmonton after the war he was a member of RCAF 418 City of Edmonton Squadron. Many years later (1984) he was appointed Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of the squadron, and remained so until it disbanded in 1994. A voracious reader, he soaked up books like a sponge, especially history, politics and biography, and was a stimulating and provocative conversationalist. He was a regular guest speaker at schools, Remembrance Day services, mess dinners, service clubs and historical societies, usually speaking on aspects of World War II, a subject on which he was remarkably knowledgeable. He had an insatiable curiosity about the world around him, and loved to explore it. He particularly enjoyed his travels with friends in the Arctic, both winter and summer, where he combined his loves for flying and friendship and history.


He devoted himself to his daily fitness regime with enthusiasm (an example to all his children and grandchildren!) and was known in the neighborhood as a cyclist or hockey player depending on season. As a youth he was a well-known distance swimmer, and many years later, at age 84, won a swimming medal at the World Masters Games. Winter always brought the opportunity for skiing (both kinds) and daily skating. He conned his children into participating joyfully in endless projects at his Cooking Lake "island fortress." He planted hundreds of trees. Above all else, his family was the centre of his life.


Douglas died in a plane crash June 15, 2009. He will be sadly missed by Peg, his loving wife; his five adoring children, Barbara, Jane, Doug Jr. (Kathy), Don (Maya) and Nancy (Bob); his brother Bob Matheson, sister-in-law Margaret Matheson and brother-in-law Bob McLaughlin; his nine grandchildren - Sarah, Andrea, Lisa, Jane, Matthew, Emily, David, Geordie and Anna; his great-granddaughter Isabel; his nieces and nephews and large extended family; and of course his many cherished friends, young and young in heart. He was predeceased by his sister Janet McLaughlin, brother Donald Matheson, brother-in-law Robert Johnson and son-in-law Roger Renaud.


A memorial service will take place on Friday, June 26, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. in Robertson-Wesley United Church, 10209 - 123 Street. Memorial donations would be greatly appreciated to the Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame, PO Box 6360, Wetaskiwin AB, T9A-2G1, the Salvation Army, 9618-101A Avenue, Edmonton AB, T5H-0C7, or Meadowcroft Seniors' Residence, 11445-135 Street, Edmonton AB, T5M 3M6. Reception to follow at the Royal Glenora Club, 11160 River Valley Road. He has slipped the surly bonds of earth... Put out his hand and touched the face of God.




Music: In paradisum from Requiem by faure

sung by Vienna Boys Choir

from helen's cd bin