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[좋은 영시212]Edward Hopper (Yellow and Red) By W. S. Di Piero
Early Sunday Morning, 1930 Edward Hopper (Yellow and Red)/에드워드 하퍼(노랑과 빨강) By W. S. Di Piero/W. S. 디 피레 Soiled sunshine on lawns and walls, the horizon-line melancholy, the mystery cults of interiors, the parlor, bedroom, luncheonette, the worship of empty spaces, the scummed-over good cheer of brickface and clapboard. 오염된 햇빛은 잔디와 벽에 비추이고, 우울한 수평선, 은밀하게 내부에서 일어나는 일상들, 응접실, 침실, 작은 식당이 주는 신비감, 추앙하는..
2024. 4. 15.
[좋은 영시 감상189]I Dare You by Dorianne Laux
I Dare You/감히 도전할 수 있나요 Dorianne Laux/도리앤 로 It’s autumn, and we’re getting rid of books, getting ready to retire, to move some place smaller, more manageable. We’re living in reverse, 가을이네요, 우리는 많은 책들을 정리하면서 은퇴할 준비를 합니다, 그래서 편하게 관리할 수 있는 작은 집으로 이사 가려고 해요. 우리는 시간을 되돌리듯이 age-proofing the new house, nothing on the floors to trip over, no hindrances to the slowed mechanisms of our bodies, a small ta..
2023. 4. 7.
[재미나고 짧은 영시9] A Primer of the Daily Round by H. Nemerov
A Primer of the Daily Round Howard Nemerov A peels an apple, while B kneels to God, C telephones to D, who has a hand On E's knees, F coughs, G turns up the sod For H's grave, I do not understand But J is bringing one day pegion down While K brings down a nightstick on L;s head, And M takes mustard, N drives into town, O goes to bed with P, and Q drops dead, R lies to S, but h..
2009. 9. 21.